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Cedar Falls - Department of Art, University of Northern Iowa, (1978?) Monographic text Deaf children - developmental perspectives / edited by Lynn S. Liben New York - Academic Press, 1978 Monographic text The death camp Treblinka - a documentary / ed. by Alexander Donat New York - Holocaust library, 1979 Monographic text Debt and the less developed countries / edited by Jonathan David Aronson Boulder, Colo - Westview Press, 1979 Monographic text ((The papers of Woodrow Wilson)) 29.- December 2, 1913-May 5, 1914 / Arthur S. Link editor It's a part of > The papers of Woodrow Wilson / Arthur S. Link editor Monographic text 7- December 9, 1862-March 31, 1863 Carbondale (etc. - Southern Illinois University Press ; London - Feffer & Simons, c1979 It's a part of > The papers of Ulysses S. Grant / edited by John Y. Simon Monographic text Decision information / edited by Chris P. Tsokos and Robert M. Thrall New York etc. - Academic press, 1979 Monographic text Decisions of the United States Supreme Court / by the editorial staff United States Supreme Court reports, Lawyers' edition Rochester, N. Y. - The Lawyers co-operative publishing co. ; San Francisco - Bancroft-Whitney, N. Y. - The Lawyers co-operative publishing co. Magazine Decolonisation - publication du reportement des affaires politiques, de la tutelle et de la decolonisation de l'organisation des Nations Unies v. (Periodicità non determinata) Magazine Deconstruction and criticism / Harold Bloom ... (and others) New York - Seabury press, 1979 Monographic text Deconstruction and criticism / Harold Bloom ... and others London ; Henley - Routledge & Kegan Paul, c1979 Monographic text Deconvolution / edited by Gerald M. Webster Tulsa (Okla.) - Society of exploration geophysicists, 1978 Monographic text Decorative art and modern interiors - themes in nature - volume 68 / edited by Maria Schofield New York - William Morrow and Company, 1979 Monographic text The decorative impulse - 13 june to 21 july 1979, Institute of contemporary art, University of Pennsylvania / (testo di) Janet Kardon (The place of publication is not referred - s.n.), 1979 Monographic text The Dedham transcript Dedham - The transcript press Magazine |