Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1980-1981

Page no. 452 of 1988       

Industrial management - the magazine for better management in industry / Institute of industrial engineers
Norcross - Industrial management society

Industrial mobilization for war - History of the war production board and predecessor agencies, 1940-1945
Washington - Bureau of demobilization, civilian production administration, 1947- .
Monographic text

Industrial organization & regulation exams, puzzles & problems / compiled by Edward Tower
Durham - Eno River Press, 1981
Monographic text

Industrial processing of natural resources
New York - United Nations, 1981
Monographic text

Industrial relations law journal
Berkeley, University of California, 1976-1992. ( (Semestrale.)

Industrial relations research association series newsletter
Madison - Irra

Industrial robots / William R. Tanner, editor
Dearborn, Mich - Robotics International of SME, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Marketing Services Dept
Monographic text

Industrial statistics yearbook ... / Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office of the United Nations
( (In alcune annate l'annuario si presenta in un solo volume comprensivo di tutte le due parti che lo compongono.)

Industrial statistics yearbook ... - ?1.- ?General industrial statistics / Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office of the United Nations
New York - United Nations Publications, 1950-

Industrial statistics yearbook ... - ?2.- ?Commodity production statistics / Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office of the United Nations
New York - United Nations, 1950-

Industrial wastewater and solid waste engineering / edited by Vincent Cavaseno and the staff of Chemical Engineering
New York - Chemical engineering-McGraw-Hill, c1980
It's a part of > Chemical engineering - with chemical & metallurgical engineering
Monographic text

Industrial water engineering
Darien, Conn. - Wakeman-Walworth

Industrial worker / Industrial workers of the world
Chicago - Carlos Cortez

4- The industrial workers of the world, 1905-1917
It's a part of > History of the labor movement in the United States / by Philip S. Foner
Monographic text

Industrialisation et productivite bulletin ... / Nations Unies
New York, 1958-

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