Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1980-1981

Page no. 453 of 1988       

Industrialization and urbanization - studies in interdisciplinary history / edited by Theodore K. Rabb and Robert I. Rotberg ; contributors Thomas W. Africa ... and others
Princeton, New Jersey - Princeton University Press, 1981
Monographic text

Industrie et developpement / Organisation des Nations Unies pour le developpement industriel
New York - Nations Unies, 1979-

Industry and business in Japan / edited with an introduction by Kazuo Sato
New York - M. E. Sharpe, 1980
Monographic text

1- Industry, energy, robots and manipulators, mini and micro, software, application, design
New York - American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1980
It's a part of > Advances in computer technology 1980 / edited by A. Seireg
Monographic text

Inelastic structural modeling of braced offshore platforms for seismic loading / by Victor A. Zayas ... (et. al.)
Berkeley - Earthquake engineering research center - College of engineering - University of California, 1981
It's a part of > Report / Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Monographic text

1- Infancy and early childhood
Adelphi - Mental health study center, stampa 1980
It's a part of > The course of life - psychoanalytic contributions toward understanding personality development / edited by Stanley I. Greenspan, George H. Pollock, editors
Monographic text

Infant and child feeding / edited by Jenny T. Bond. (and others)
XXIV, 502 p. ; 23 cm
Monographic text

Infant and Young Child Feeding Current Issues / (s.n.)
Monographic text

Infant behavior and development - an international and interdisciplinary journal
Norwood, N.J. - Ablex Publishing ; (poi) New York - Elsevier, 1978-

Infant social cognition - empirical and theoretical considerations / edited by Michael E. Lamb, Lonnie R. Sherrod
Hillsdale, N.J. - L. Erlbaum Associates, 1981
Monographic text

Infants - their social environments / edited by Bernice Weissbourd, Judith S. Musick
Washington - National Association for the education of young children, c1981
Monographic text

Infection and immunity - IAI
Baltimore (MD) - American society for microbiology, (©1970-

Infection control
Thorofare - Slack, -1987

Infections in the abnormal host / Michael H. Grieco editor
(New York?) - Yorke medical books, c1980
Monographic text

3- Infectious agents. New York etc. - McGraw-Hill international book co., c1980
It's a part of > Electron microscopy in human medicine / edited by Jan Vincents Johannessen
Monographic text

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