Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1982-1983

Page no. 617 of 1983       

Modern healthcare
Chicago - Crain communications, 1974-

Modern Hebrew literature - MHL / Institute for the translation of Hebrew literature
New Milford - Toby press, (1975)-

Modern language quarterly - MLQ
Seattle - University of Washington

Modern macroeconomic theory / edited by Jean-Paul Fitoussi
Oxford - Basil Blackwell ; Florence - European university institute, 1983
Monographic text

Modern management of high-risk pregnancy / edited by Niels H. Lauersen ; with a foreword by Frederick P. Zuspan
New York and London - Plenum, c1983
Monographic text

Modern medicine
Battle Creek (Mich.) - Modern medicine publishing company, 1900-

Modern music - a quarterly review / published by The league of composers
New York, 1925/26-1946

Modern pharmacology / edited by Charles R. Craig, Robert E. Stitzel
Boston - Little, Brown and Company, 1982
Monographic text

Modern philology - a quarterly journal devoted to research in modern languages and literatures
Chicago - The University of Chicago press, 1903-

Modern Political Systems - Europe / Roy C. Macridis
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice-Hall, c1983
Monographic text

Modern power systems
San Francisco - M. Freeman publications, 1981-

The modern practice of community mental health - a volume in honor of Gerald Caplan / (edited by) Herbert C. Schulberg, Marie Killilea
San Francisco - Jossey Bass, 1982
Monographic text

The modern reconstruction of classical thought- Talcott Parsons
, copyr. 1983
It's a part of > Theoretical logic in sociology / Jeffrey C. Alexander
Monographic text

The modern schoolman - a quarterly journal of philosophy
Saint Louis - Saint Louis university

Modern screen's hollywood yearbook
New York - Dell publishing co

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