Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1982-1983

Page no. 618 of 1983       

Modern socialism
Brooklyn - A. Ziegler, 1941-

Modern treatment
New York - Hoeber medical division of Harper & Row, 1964-

Modern veterinary practice
Santa Barbara - American veterinary publications, c1958-

Modernism in Quebec art, 1916-1946 - National gallery of Canada - National museums of Canada, Ottawa 1982 / a cura di Jean-René Ostiguy
The place of publication is not referred - s. n. , 1982
Monographic text

Modernism reconsidered / edited by Robert Kiely assisted by John Hildebidle
Cambridge, Massachisetts - Harvard University Press, 1983
Monographic text

Modification of proteins - food, nutritional, and pharmacological aspects - based on a symposium / jointly sponsored by the Divisions of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and Biological Chemistry at the 180th meeting of...
402 p., 24 cm. 1982
Monographic text

Moduli undecim festorum / edited by J. Heywood Alexander
Madison - A-R, ©1983

Moisture migration in buildings - a symposium / edited by M. Lieff. -Philadelphia - STM, 1982
Monographic text

The mole
Boston (MA) - People's Media Center, (1970 -

Molecular and cellular biology - MCB
Washington (DC) - American society for microbiology, 1981-

Molecular and cellular mechanisms of mutagenesis / edited by J. F. Lemontt and W. M. Generoso
New York ; London - Plenum press, c1982
Monographic text

Molecular approaches to neurobiology / ed. by Ian R. Brown
New York (etc.) - Academic Press, ©1982
Monographic text

1- Molecular Aspects / editors Gerald Cohen, Robert A. Greenwald
New York - Elsevier Biomedical, c1983
It's a part of > Oxy radicals and their scavenger systems - proceedings of the third international conference on superoxide and superoxide dismutase, Ellenville, New York, October 3-8, 1982 / ed. Gerald Cohen, Robert...
Monographic text

Molecular biology
New York - Consultants bureau

Molecular biology and evolution - MBE
Chicago, IL - University of Chicago press, 1983-

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