Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

Page no. 481 of 2107       

Index Handbook of cardiovascular agents / Isaac D. Welt director
New York ; Toronto ; London - McGraw-Hill, 1960- .
Monographic text

Index medicus
New York - s.n. , 1879-

Index medicus - a monthly classified record of the current medical literature of the world / Carnegie Institution of Washington

Index medicus - formerly Current list of medical literature / National library of medicine
Washington - U.S. Department of health, education, and welfare, Public health service, 1960-

Index of economic articles in journals and collective volumes
Homewood - Richard D. Irwin, 1969-

An index of published infra-red spectra / edited by the Ministry of Aviation. Technical Information and Library Services
London - Her Majesty's stationery office, 1960
Monographic text

Index of selected publications (through december 1983) / by staff menbers of the Center for naval analyses ; compiled by Grace K. Shanahan
Alexandria, Virg. - Center for naval analyses, 1984
Monographic text

Index to book reviews in religion - IBRR - an author, title, and classified index to reviews of books published in and of interest to the field of religion
Evanston - American Theological Library Association, c1990-

Index to dental literature
Chicago (IL) - American dental association, 1962-1999

Index to foreign legal periodicals
London - Institute of advanced legal studis, 1960-

Index to IEEE publications - proceedings of the IEEE - IEEE spectrum IEEE sponsored conferences IEEE standards / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 1973-

Index to legal periodicals / a cura di American association of law libraries
New York - H. W. Wilson, -1994

Index to legal periodicals. Cumulation / American Association of Law Libraries
New York - Wilson Co., 1926-1994.

An index to microform collections / edited by Ann Niles
Monographic text

Index to periodical articles by and about blacks / compiled by the staff of the Hallie Q. Brown memorial library, Central state university, Wilberforce, Ohio
Boston - G. K. Hall, -c1986

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