Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

Page no. 482 of 2107       

Index to periodical articles related to law - selected from journals not included in the Current law index, the Index to foreign legal periodicals, or the Index to legal periodicals
Dobbs Ferry, (N. Y.) - Glanville

Index to plant chromosome numers for ..
Berkeley - California botanical society, 1958-

Index to proceedings of the Security Council, United Nations
New York - United Nations

Index to the growers weed identification handbook - (includes sheets WI-216 through WI-231 plus changes in sheets WI-1 through WI-215 as of june 1984) - supplement to
Berkeley - Cooperative Extension University of California, Division of agriculture and natural resources, 1984
Monographic text

Index to volumes 1-24 and supplement
New York - J. Wiley & Sons, 1984
It's a part of > Encyclopedia of chemical technology / edited by Raymond E. Kirk and Donald F. Othmer ; assistant editors Janet D. Scott and Anthony Standen
Monographic text

Index, 1607-1985 volumes 1.-8. and historical volume
Chicago- Marquis Who's who, c1985
It's a part of > Who was who in America - A companion volume to Who's who in America
Monographic text

India - art and culture / Cat. di S.C. Welch
Monographic text

India - art and culture, 1300-1900 / Stuart Cary Welch
New York - Holt - Rinehart and Winston, c1985
Monographic text

Indian notes / Museum of the American Indian Heye foundation
V. 1 (1924)-

The Indian Ocean - perspectives on a strtegic arena / edited by William L. Dowdy and Russell B. Trood
Durham - Duke university press, 1985
Monographic text

Indiana magazine of history
(Bloomington - Indiana University

Indiana theory review
Bloomington - Indiana University, (1977)-

Indiana university mathematics journal
Bloomington - Indiana university mathematics, 1970-

Indicators of precollege education in science and mathematics - a preliminary review / Senta A. Raizen and Lyle V. Jones (eds.) ; Committee on indicators of precollege science and mathematics education ; commission on behavioral and social sciences and education ; national research council
Washington - National Academy Press, 1985
Monographic text

Indigenous world
San Francisco - (s.n.), 1982

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