Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1986-1987

Page no. 1934 of 2272       

Ponomarev, Valery
Means of identification / Valery Ponomarev
Kingston NY - Reservoir Music, 1987
Monographic text

Pontius, Paul E.
Measurement assurance program - a case study- length measurements / Paul E. Pontius
Washington - National Bureau of Standards, 1975- .
Monographic text

Pontone, Antony G.
Fratricide as the founding myth of Rome- the Roma historiographical perspective / Antony G. Pontone
Ann Arbor - University Microfils International, 1986
Monographic text

Pontrjagin, Lev Semenovic
Selected works / L. S. Pontryagin ; (edited by R. V. Gamkrelidze)
New York (etc.) - Gordon and Breach, c1986
Monographic text

Pontrjagin, Lev Semenovic
2- Topological groups / by L. S. Pontryagin ; translated from the Russian by Arlen Brown with additional material translated by P. S. Naidu
New York (etc.) - Gordon and Breach, 1986
It's a part of > Selected works / L. S. Pontryagin ; (edited by R. V. Gamkrelidze)
Monographic text

Pool, Robert (1955-....)
Yang-Mills fields and extension theory / Robert Pool
Providence, R. I. - AMS, 1987
It's a part of > Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Monographic text

Poole, C. M. Stafford
Pedro Moya de Contreras - Catholic Reform and Royal Power in New Spain 1571-1591 / C. M. Stafford Poole
Berkeley (CA) - University of California Press, 1987
Monographic text

Poole, Charles P.
Theory of magnetic resonance / Charles P. Poole, Jr., and Horacio A. Farach
New York - Wiley, c1987
Monographic text

Poole, Lon
Mac insights - secrets, shortcuts and solutions for the Apple Macintosh / Lon Poole
Washington - Microsoft press, c1986
Monographic text

Poole, Robert W
A Taxonomic revision of the new world Moth Genus Pero (Lepidoptera- Geometridae) / by Robert W. Poole
(Washington - United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural research service, 1987
It's a part of > Technical bulletin / United States Department of agriculture
Monographic text

Poole, Susan
Frommer's ireland on $30 a day / Susan Poole
Usa, 1987
Monographic text

Pop, Iggy
Blah blah blah / Iggy Pop
(Santa Monica) - A&M, (1986)
Audio recording

Pope, Helen
Foreigners in Attic inscriptions - a prosopography arranged under ethnics in alphabetical order / by Helen Pope
Chicago - Ares, 1986
Monographic text

Pope, Helen
Non-Athenians in Attic inscriptions - prolegomena and a prosopography arranged in alphabetical order / by Helen Pope
Chicago - Ares, 1986
Monographic text

Pope, Kenneth S.
Sexual intimacy between therapists and patients / Kenneth S. Pope, Jacqueline C. Bouhoutsos
New York - Praeger, 1986
Monographic text

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