Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1986-1987

Page no. 1935 of 2272       

Pope, Whitney
Alexis de Tocqueville - his social and political theory / Whitney Pope ; in collaboration with Lucetta Pope
Beverly Hills - Sage, 1986
Monographic text

Pope-Hennessy, John
An introduction to Italian sculpture / by John Pope-Hennessy
New York - Vintage books, 1985-
Monographic text

Poplavskij, Boris Juljanovic
Sobranie socinenij / Boris Poplavskij
Berkeley - Slavic specialties, 1980-
Monographic text

Popovich, Charles J.
Business and economics databases online - environmental scanning with a personal computer / Charles J. Popovich
Littleton ?Colo.? - Libraries Unlimited, 1987
Monographic text

Population council
The Population Council 1987 Annual Report / Population Council
New York - The Population Council, 1987
Monographic text

Porot, Ann Marie
S.F.B.J. - captivating character children / by Ann Marie and Jacques Porot and Francois Theimer
Cumberland - Hobby house, c1986
Monographic text

Porphyry the Philosopher, To Marcella / text and translation with introduction and notes by Kathleen O'Brien Wicker ; index verborum by Lee E. Klosinski
Atlanta, Georgia - Scholars Press, copyr. 1987
Monographic text

To Marcella / Porphyry the Philosopher ; text and translation with introduction and notes by Kathleen O'Brien Wicker ; Index verborum by Lee E. Klosinski
Atlanta - Scholars Press, copyr. 1987
Monographic text

Porpora, Nicola
Oratorio per la nascita di Gesu Cristo / Nicola Porpora ; introduction by Howard E. Smither
New York ; London - Garland, 1986

Porta, Antonio (1935-1989)
Invasions & other poems / Antonio Porta ; edited by Paul Vangelisti ; with translations by Anthony Baldry, Pasquale Verdicchio & Paul Vangelisti ; and an afterword by Peter Carravetta
San Francisco ; Los Angeles - The Red hill Press, 1986
Monographic text

Porta, Antonio (1935-1989)
Kisses from another dream / Antonio Porta ; translated by Anthony Molino
San Francisco - City lights books, 1987
Monographic text

Porten, Bezalel
1- Letters - Appendix- Aramaic letters from the Bible / newly copied, edited and translated into hebrew and english by Bezalel Porten, Ada Yardeni
Winona Lake, IN - Distributed by Eisenbrauns, (Jerusalem - Typesetting CTS), 1986
It's a part of > Textbook of aramaic documents from ancient Egypt / newly copied, edited and translated into hebrew and english by Bezalel Porten, Ada Yardeni
Monographic text

Porter Houston, John
Patterns of thought in Rimbaud and Mallarme / John Porter Houston
Lexington - French forum, c1986
Monographic text

Porter, Andrew
Musical events - a chronicle- 1980-1983 / Andrew Porter
New York - Summit Books, 1987
Monographic text

Porter, Charlotte M.
The eagles nest - natural history and American ideas, 1812-1842 / Charlotte M. Porter
Alabama - The University of Alabama Press, 1986
Monographic text

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