Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1993

Page no. 1314 of 1626       

Maslow, Abraham H.
The farther reaches of human nature / Abraham H. Maslow
New York - Arkana, 1993
Monographic text

Mason, Alpheus Thomas
American constitutional law - introductory essays and selected cases / Alpheus Thomas Mason, Donald Grier Stephenson, Jr
Englewood Cliffs, N. J. - Prentice Hall
Monographic text

Mason, Barry J.
Modern retailing - theory and practice / J. Barry Mason, Morris L. Mayer, J. B. Wilkinson
Homewood ; Boston - Irwin, c1993
Monographic text

Mason, John Brown
Research resources - annotated Guide to the Social Sciences
Santa Barbara - American Bibliographical Center-Clio, 1968- .
Monographic text

Mason, John R.
Reading and responding to Mircea Eliade's History of religious ideas - the lure of the late Eliade / John R. Mason
Lewiston - E. Mellen Press, c1993
Monographic text

Mason, Joseph Barry
Marketing management / J. Barry Mason, Hazel F. Ezell
New York etc. - MacMillan etc. , c1993
Monographic text

Mason, Penelope
History of Japanese art / Penelope Mason
New York - Abrams, 1993
Monographic text

Mason, Robert D.
Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics / Robert D. Mason, Douglas A. Lind
Homewood ; Boston - Irwin, 1993
Monographic text

Mason, Robert D.
Statistical tecniques in business and economics / Robert D. Mason, Douglas A. Lind
Homewood ; Boston - Irwin, c 1993
Monographic text

Mason, Timothy W.
Social policy in the Third Reich - the working class and the "National community" / by Timothy W. Watson ; translated by John Broadwin ; edited by Jane Caplan ; with a general introduction by Ursula Vogel
Providence ; Oxford - Berg, 1993
Monographic text

Massachusetts institute of technology
Sloan management review / Massachussets institute of technology
Cambridge (Mass.) - Industrial management review association, 1970-2000

Massachusetts institute of technology
Technology review / edited at the Massachusetts institute of technology
Cambridge (Mass.) - Association of alumni and alumnae of the Massachusetts institute of technology, -c1997

Massey, Douglas S.
American apartheid - segregation and the making of the underclass / Douglas S. Massey, Nancy A. Denton
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - Harvard University Press, 1993
Monographic text

Massobrio, Giuseppe
Semiconductor device modeling with SPICE / Giuseppe Massobrio, Paolo Antognetti
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1993
Monographic text

Masters, Timothy
Practical neural network recipes in C++ / Timothy Masters
San Diego etc. - Academic press, c1993
Monographic text

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