Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1993

Page no. 1315 of 1626       

Masterson, James F.
The emerging self - a developmental, self, and object relations approach to the treatment of the closet narcissistic disorder of the self / James F. Masterson
New York - Brunner/Mazel, c1993
Monographic text

Mastronarde, Donald J.
Introduction to Attic Greek / Donald J. Mastronarde
Berkeley etc. - University of California, c1993
Monographic text

Mastronarde, Donald J.
Introduction to Attic Greek / Donald J. Mastronarde
Berkeley ; Los Angeles ; London - University of California Press, c1993
Monographic text

Masuzawa, Tomoko
In search of dreamtime - the quest for the origin of religion / Tomoko Masuzawa
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, 1993
Monographic text

Mateescu, Gh. D
2D NMR - density matrix and product operator treatment / Gheorghe D. Mateescu and Adrian Valeriu
Englewood Cliffs, N.J - PTR Prentice Hall, c1993
Monographic text

Materials Research Society Symposium
Materials theory and modelling - symposium held November 30-December 3, 1992, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. / Editors- Jeremy Broughton, Paul Bristowe, John Newsam
Pittsburg, Pa - Materials Research Society, 1993
Monographic text

Mathai, A. M.
Handbook of generalized special functions for statistical and physical sciences / A.M. Mathai
Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1993
Monographic text

Mather, George A.
Dictionary of cults, sects, religions and the occult / George A. Mather and Larry A. Nichols; Alvin J. Schmidt consulting editor ; foreword by Ronald Enroth
Grand Rapids - Zondervan, c1995
Monographic text

Mathews, Thomas F.
The clash of gods - a reinterpretation of early Christian art / Thomas F. Mathews
Princeton - Princeton university press, c1993
Monographic text

Mathieson, Donald J.
Liberalization of the account - experiences and issues / Donald J. Mathieson and Liliana Rojas-Suarez
Monographic text

Mathieson, Donald J.
Liberalization of the capital account - experiences and issues / Donald J. Mathieson and Liliana Rojas-Suárez
Washington, D.C. - International Monetary Fund, 1993
Monographic text

Mathis, Stephen
Quantitative toolkit for economics and finance / Stephen Mathis, Lee Siegel
Miami - Kolb, c1993
Monographic text

Mathis, Wayne N.
4- A revision of the shore-fly genus Hecamede Haliday / Wayne N. Mathis
Washington - Smithsonian institution press, 1993
It's a part of > Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera- Ephydridae) / Wayne N. Mathis
Monographic text

Mathis, Wayne N.
5- A revision of the shore-fly genus Mosillus Latreille / Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki, and Marina G. Krivosheina
Washington - Smithsonian institution press, 1993
It's a part of > Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera- Ephydridae) / Wayne N. Mathis
Monographic text

Mathisen, Ralph W.
Roman aristocrats in barbarian Gaul - strategies for survival in age of transition / Ralph Whitney Mathisen
Austin - University of Texas press, 1993
Monographic text

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