Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1996

Page no. 1021 of 1624       

Cowley, Abraham
2- Poems - 1656 / Abraham Cowley
Newark - University of Delaware Press ; London ; Toronto - Associated University Presses, c1993-
It's a part of > The collected works of Abraham Cowley / general editors- Thomas O. Calhoun ... and others ; general textual editor Ernest W.
Monographic text

Cowley, Malcolm
New England writers and writing / Malcolm Cowley ; edited and with an introduction by Donald W. Faulkner
Hanover ; London - University press of New England, c1996
Monographic text

Cox Edwards, Alejandra
Labor regulations and industrial relations in Indonesia / Alejandra Cox Edwards
Washington - World bank, 1996
Monographic text

Cox, Brad J.
Superdistribution - objects as property on the electronic frontier / Brad Cox
Reading - Addison-Wesley, 1996
Monographic text

Cox, Christopher R.
Chasing the dragon - into the heart of the Golden Triangle / Christopher R. Cox
New York - H. Holt, 1996
Monographic text

Cox, Edward Godfrey
a reference guide to the literature of travel, including voyages, geographical descriptions, adventures, shipwrecks and expeditions
Seattle - University of Washington, 1948-
Monographic text

Cox, George W.
Laboratory manual of general ecology / George W. Cox
Dubuque, IA. (etc.) - WCB, c1996
Monographic text

Cox, Tamara Ann
The hero(ine) in Colettes novels / Cox, Tamara Ann
Ann Arbor (MI) - UMI, 1996
Monographic text

Cox-Rearick, Janet
The collection of Francis 1. - royal treasures / Janet Cox-Rearick
Antwerp - Fonds Mercator ; New York - H. N. Abrams, 1996
Monographic text

Cragan, John F.
Symbolic theories in applied communication research - Bormann, Burke and Fisher / John F. Cragan, Donald C. Shields
Cresskill - Hampton press ; Annandale - Speech communication association, c1995
Monographic text

Cragon, Harvey G.
Memory systems and pipelined processors / Harvey G. Cragon
Sudbury - Jones and Bartlett, 1996
Monographic text

Craig, Grace J.
Human development / Grace J. Craig
Upper Saddle River - Prentice Hall, c1996
Monographic text

Craig, Helen
Charlie and Tyler at the seashore / Helen Craig
Cambridge, Mass. - Candlewick, 1996
Monographic text

Craig, James R.
Resources of the earth - origin, use, and environmental impact / James R. Craig, David J. Vaughan, Brian J. Skinner
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey - Prentice Hall, 1996
Monographic text

Craig, Roy R. (jr.)
Mechanics of materials / Roy R. Craig, jr
New York etc. - Wiley, 1996
Monographic text

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