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Edith Wharton - a house full of rooms- architecture, interiors, and gardens / Theresa Craig ; special photography by John Bessler New York - The Monacelli Press, 1998 Monographic text Craigie, William Alexander A dictionary of the older Scottish tongue - from the twelfth century to the end of the seventeenth Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago press, (poi) Aberdeen - Aberdeen University press, (poi) Oxford - Oxford University press, 1974-2002 Monographic text Craik, Robert J.M. Sound transmission through buildings - using statistical energy analysis / Robert J.M. Craik Aldershot - Gower, c1996 Monographic text Cramer, Frederick H. Astrology in roman law and politics / Frederick H. Cramer Chicago, Ill. - Ares Publishers, 1996 Monographic text Cramer, Jeffrey S. Robert Frost among his poems - a literary companion to the poet's own biographical contexts and associations / by Jeffrey S. Cramer Jefferson, NC - McFarland, c1996 Monographic text Cramer, Phebe Storytelling, narrative, and the thematic apperception test / Phebe Cramer New York etc. - The Guilford press, c1996 Monographic text Cranberries (gruppo musicale) To the faithful departed / The Cranberries (New York) - Island Records, (1996) Audio recording Crandall, Richard E. Topics in advanced scientific computation / Richard E. Crandall New York - Springer ; Santa Clara, Ca. - TELOS Monographic text Crandall, Robert W. Cable TV - regulation or competition? / Robert W. Crandall and Harold Furchtgott-Rott Washington - the Brookings Institution, ©1996 Monographic text Crane, Gregory The blinded eye - Thucydides and the new written word / Gregory Crane Lanham, Maryland - Rowman & Littlefield publishers, ©1996 Monographic text Crane, Stephen Prose & poetry - Maggie- a girl of the streets ; The red badge of courage ; Stories, sketches, and journalism ; Poetry / Stephen Crane (New York) - Library of America, 1996 Monographic text Cranton, Patricia Professional development as transformative learning - new perspectives for teachers of adults / Patricia Cranton San Francisco - Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1996 Monographic text Crawford, Albert Beecher Forecasting college achievement - A survey of aptitude tests for higher education New Haven, Conn. - Yale University Press, 1946- . Monographic text Crawford, Elisabeth Arrhenius - from ionic theory to greenhouse effect / by Elisabeth Crawford Canton, MA - Science history publications/USA, 1996 Monographic text Crawford, George Derivatives for decision makers - strategic management issues / George Crawford and Bidyut Sen New York (etc. - Wiley, c1996 Monographic text |