Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2011

Page no. 147 of 800       

Cognitive, affective, & behavioral neuroscience / The Psychonomic Society
Austin (TX) - The Psychonomic Society, 2001-

The coinage of Metapontum
New York - The American Numismatic Society, 1984-
Monographic text

Cold spring harbor monographs / edited by the Institut of arts and sciences
Brooklyn - (s.n. , 1903-

Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology - proceedings / Cold Spring Harbor laboratory
Cold Spring Harbor (N.Y.) - The Biological laboratory

Cold steel
Buffalo (NY) - Onondaga Pub. Co

The Cold war / edited by Robert F. Gorman
Pasadena, California ; Hackensack, New Jersey Salem press, 2011
Monographic text

The Cold War in east Asia - 1945-1991 / edited by Tsuyoshi Hasegawa
Washington, D. C. - Woodrow Wilson Center Press ; Stanford, California - Stanford University press, c2011
Monographic text

Cold War International History Project bulletin / Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
N. 1 (Spring 1992)- . Washington - Woodrow Wilson Center, 1992-

Collected algorithms from ACM / Association for Computing Machinery
New York - ACM

Collected works / Roger Penrose
New York - Oxford university press, 2011
Monographic text

Collection management - a quarterly journal devoted to the management of library collections
New York - Haworth Press, (1976)-

A collection of Mad follies - also blunders, bombs and other acts of idiocy from past issues
New York - E.C. Publications, 1963-

Collective farm - international handmade magazine
It's a part of > 1 - Kolkhoz / (opere di) V. Bakhchanyan ...(et al.)
Monographic text

The Collector and Art critic
New York - (s.n.), 1899-

College & research libraries / American library association, Association of college and research libraries
Chicago - Association of college and reference libraries, 1939-

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