Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2011

Page no. 148 of 800       

College and research libraries
Chicago - Association of college and research libraries, 1939-

College and research libraries news
Chicago - Association of college and research libraries, 1967-

College English
Urbana - National council of theachers of English, 1939 -

The college mathematics journal
Vol.15, n.1(1984)-

The College of Steubenville Bullettin - a Co-educational Liberal Arts College / Franciscan Friars of the Third Order Regular
Steubenvile (Ohio) - College of Steubenville. Office of the Public Information, 1949-

Collier's encyclopedia ... year book - an encyclopedic supplement and review of national and international events of ..
New York - P. F. Collier & son corporation, 1957-

Colloid journal
Mosca - Hayka Interperiodica publishing, 1994-

Colloquium topics in applied numerical analysis - Academic Year 1983 - 84 - Centre for Mathematics and Comp. Sc. / (edited by) J.G. Verwer
Monographic text

Colonial America - essays in politics and social development / edited by Stanley N. Katz ... (and others)
New York ; London - Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2010
Monographic text

Color photography - International edition - a selection of fine color photographs
New York - Ziff-Davis Publishing Company

Color research and application
New York, N.Y. - Wiley, (1976)-

Colorado College publications. Language series
Colorado Springs - Colorado College, 1904-

Colorado College publications. Science series
Colorado Springs - Colorado College, 1904-

The Columbia history of the Vietnam War / edited, with an introduction, by David L. Anderson
New York - Columbia University press, 2011
Monographic text

Columbia human rights law review
New York - Columbia human rights law review, Columbia University school of law

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