Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1980 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 2728 di 2840       

Wonder, Stevie
Stevie Wonder - canzoni / a cura di Marina Morbiducci e Massimo Scarafoni
Roma - Lato Side, 1980
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Wonder, Stevie
Stevie Wonder - canzoni ; a cura di Marina Morbiducci e Massimo Scarafoni
Roma - Lato side, 1980
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Wonders, A. A. H.
Middle and late cretaceous planktonic foraminifera of the western mediterranean area / A. A. H. Wonders
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , 1980 (Netherlands - Loonzetterij Abe)
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Wong, Frederick
The complete calligrapher / Frederick Wong
London - Pitman ; New York - Watson-Guptil, c1980
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Wongar, B.
The track to Bralgu / B. Wongar
London - Picador (Published by Pan Books), 1980
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Wonisch, Othmar
Mariazell / von Othmar Wonisch ; uberarbeitet von P. Benedikt Plank OSB
Munchen, Zurich - Verlag Schnell e Steiner, 1980
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Wonnacott, Thomas H.
Introduzione alla statistica / Thomas H. Wonnacott, Ronald J. Wonnacott ; edizione italiana a cura di Ornello Vitali
Milano - F. Angeli, 1980
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Wood, Allen H.
The gold coins of the great Kusana
Ann Arbor ; London - University Microfilms International, 1980
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Wood, Audrey
I gatti spaventati / scritto e illustrato da Audrey Wood ; traduzione di Simona Artanidi
(Purton Swindon) - Child's Play, c1980
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Wood, Audrey
I lacci magici / scritto e illustrato da Audrey Wood ; traduzione di Simona Artanidi
(Swindon) - Child's Play, c1980
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Wood, Audrey
Scaredy cats / written and illustrated by Audrey Wood
(Swindon) - Child's play, c1980
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Wood, David
Working with under fives / David Wood, Linnet McMahon and Yvonne Cranstoun
London - Grant McIntyre, 1980
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Wood, David A.
Music in Harvard libraries - a catalogue of early printed music and books on music in the Houghton Library and the Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library / by David A. Wood
Cambridge, Mass. - Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library, Harvard University Department of music, 1980
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Wood, Dean
The people we are - Canada's multicultural society / Dean Wood, Robert Remnant
Toronto - Gage Publishing Limited, c1980
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Wood, Derick
Grammar and L forms - an introduction / Derick Wood
Berlino (etc.) - Spring e-Verlag, c1980
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