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Subcritical crack growth due to fatigue, stress corrosion and creep - advanced seminar on fracture mechanics (ASFM 3) - Ispra, October 19th-23rd, 1981 Ispra - Commission of the European Communities, Joint Research Centre, (1981?) Testo Monografico Advisory commitee of experts on marine resources research Report of the working party on the promotion of fishery resources research in developing countries - Floro, Norway, 2-8 September 1979, Rome, Italy, 8-12 september 1980 / Advisory committee of experts on marine resources research (ACMRR) Rome - Fao, 1981 Incluso in > FAO fisheries report / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Testo Monografico Adyar library (Madras) Descriptive catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Adyar library Madras - Adyar library, 1942- Testo Monografico Adyar library and research centre A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Adyar Library (Theosophical society) Madras - Oriental publishing co., 1908- Testo Monografico Aebersold, P. Stigmatisierung durch Strafverfahren und Strafvollzug / mit Beitragen von P. Aebersold ... ed altri Diessenhofen - Ruegger, c1981 Testo Monografico Aelianus - Tacticus Claudii Aeliani et Leonis imperatoris Tactica sive De instruendis aciebus / Mit einer Einleitung von Werner Hahlweg Osnabruck - Biblio, 1981 Testo Monografico Aelianus, Claudius Aelian - on the characteristics of animals / with an english translation by A. F. Scholfield London - Heinemann, 1971-1972 Testo Monografico Aelredus (santo) Dialogue on the soul / Aelred of Rievaulx ; translated, with an introduction, by C.H. Talbot Kalamazoo - Cistercian Publications, 1981 Testo Monografico Aengenendt, Renate Sozialkosten und Arbeitslosigkeit von Problemgruppen am Arbeitsmarkt / Renate Aengenendt, Hellmut Wollrab Gottingen - Schwartz, 1981 Testo Monografico Aeppli, Felix - Materialien / Felix Aeppli , Copyr. 1981 Incluso in > Der Schweizer Film - 1929-1964 - die Schweiz als Ritual Testo Monografico Aeritalia - Consiglio di fabbrica Contraeritalia - i nostri problemi / bollettino del C.d.F. Aeritalia di Torino Fim,Fiom,Uilm Torino - Centro stampa unitario, 1972- Pubblicazione Periodica Aero club d'Italia Paracadutismo sportivo - corso allievi / Aero club d'Italia Roma - AECI, 1981 Testo Monografico Aerosmith (gruppo musicale) Draw the line / Aerosmith (United States) - CBS, (dopo il 1981) Registrazione audio Aers, David Literature, language and society in England - 1580-1680 / David Aers, Bob Hodge, Gunther Kress Dublin - Gill and MacMillan - Barnes & Noble books, 1981 Testo Monografico Aers, David Romanticism and ideology - studies in English writing 1765-1830 / David Aers, Jonathan Cook, David Punter London - Routledge & Paul, 1981 Testo Monografico |