Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1984 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 3326 di 4057       

Szechenyi, Istvan (1791-1860)
Magyar jatekszinrul / grof Szechenyi Istvan
(Budapest - Allami Konyvterjeszto Vallalat, 1984)
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Szechi, Daniel
Jacobitism and Tory politics - 1710-1714 / D. Szechi
Edinburgh - John Donald, copyr. 1984
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Szelinska, Waclawa
Jan Dlugosz - storico e primo geografo polacco / Waclawa Szelinska
Wroclaw ecc. - Zaklad narodowy imienia ossolinskich wydawnictwo Polskiej akademii nauk, 1984
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Szemerényi, Oswald John Louis
Direcciones de la linguistica moderna / Oswald Szemerenyi
Madrid - Gredos, c1979-c1986
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Szenasy, Susan S.
Private and executive offices / Susan S. Szenasy ; consulting editor Edith Siroto
New York - Facts on File, 1984
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Szidat, Joachim
Historischer Kommentar zu Ammianus Marcellinus Buch 20.-21. / von Joachim Szidat
Wiesbaden - F. Steiner, 1977- .
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Szilardfy, Zoltan
Barokk szentkepek Magyarorszagon / Szilárdfy Zoltán
Budapest - Corvina, ©1984
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Novella-es regenyirodalmunk a bach-korszakban / irta Szinnyei Ferenc
Budapest - Magyar Tudomanyos Akademaia, 1939-
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Szladits, Charles
A bibliography on foreign and comparative law - books an articles in English / Charles Szladits
New York - Parker school of foreign and comparative law ; Columbia university, 1955-
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Szlenk, W.
An introduction to the theory of smooth dynamical systems / W. Szlenk
Chichester etc. - J. Wiley ; Warszawa - PWN, c1984
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Szmidt, Alfred E.
Genetic studies of Scots pine (pinus sylvestris L.) domestication by means ofisozyme analysis / by Alfred E. Szmidt
Umea - The Swedish university of agricultural sciences, 1984
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Sztafrowski, Edward
Konferencje biskupie (studium historyczno-kanoniczne) / Edward Sztafrowski
Warsawa - Akademia Teologii Katolickiej, 1984
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Sztejn, Janina
Mikrofauna w osadach mlodszej kredy dolnej nizu polskiego / Janina Sztejn
Warszawa - Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, 1984
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Szucsany, Desiree
Les filets / D. Szucsany
Montreal - Led ed. de la pleine lune, (1984)
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Szuwalski, Andre
Bibliography of publications prior to July 1983 of the Coastal Engineering Research Center and the Beach Erosion Board / Andre Szuwalski
Washington - U.S. Army , 1984
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