Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1986 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 1903 di 4556       

Mill, John Stuart
Principi di economia politica / di John Stuart Mill ; a cura di Biancamaria Fontana ; introduzione di Giacomo Becattini
Torino - Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1983-
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Mill, John Stuart
Sistema di logica - raziocinativa e induttiva - esposizione comprensiva dei principi di evidenza e dei metodi d'investigazione scientifica / John Stuart Mill ; cura di Giorgio Facchi
Roma - Ubaldini, stampa 1986
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Mill, John Stuart
The subjection of women / John Stuart Mill
Buffalo - Prometheus Books, 1986
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Millan Moro, Lucia
La armonizacion de legislaciones en la CEE / Luci´a Millan Moro ; pro´logo de Francisco Sanchez-Apellaniz
Madrid - Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1986
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Millar, Fergus
Politics, persuasion and the people before the social war (150-90 b. C.) / by Fergus Millar
Leeds - W. S. Maney, 1986
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Millar, Jana Kubitza
The aural perception of pitch-class set relations- a computer assisted investigation / Jana Kubitza Millar
Ann Arbor - UMI, 1986
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Millar, John
The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks - an inquiry into the circumstances wich give rise to the influence and authority in the different members of society / John Millar ; with an account of the life and writings of the author by John Craig
Aalen - Scientia, 1986
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Millar, Margaret
Sapore di paura / Margaret Millar
Milano - A. Mondadori, c1986
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Millar, Robert Wyness
Processo e democrazia, Judicial procedure and democratic faith, by Piero Calamandrei / recensione di Robert Wyness Millar
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Millard, Alan Ralph
A lexical illusion / A. R. Millard
(Oxford - University of Manchester, 1986 )
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Millares Carlo, Agustín
Cuatro estudios biobibliográficos mexicanos - Francisco Cervantes de Salazar, fray Agustín Dávila Padilla, Juan José de Eguiara y Eguren, Jose Mariano Beristáin de Souza / Agustín Millares Carlo
México - Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1986
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Millburn, John R.
Retailer of the sciences - Benjamin Martin's scientific instrument catalogues, 1756-1782 / by John R. Millburn ; with a foreword by G. L'E. Turner
London - Vade-Mecum Press, 1986
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Miller, Aaron David
The Arab states and the Palestine question between ideology and self-interest / Aaron David Miller ; foreword by Alfred L. Atherton
New York ; Westport (Connetticut) ; London - Praeger, c1986
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Miller, Alan S.
Growing power - bioenergy for development and industry - based on a symposium sponsored by the World resources institute and the Rockefeller brothers fund / Alan S. Miller, Irving M. Mintzer, Sara H. Hoagland
Washington D. C. - World resources institute, 1986
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Miller, Alice
L' enfant sous terreur - l'ignorance de l'adulte et son prix / Alice Miller
Paris - Aubier, 1986
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