Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1989 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 1908 di 2731       

Symposium (on) advances in materials, processing and devices in III-V compound semiconductors (1988 ; Boston)
Advances in materials, processing and devices in III-V compound semiconductors - symposium held November 28-December 2, 1988, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. / Editors- Devendra K. Sadana, Lester E. Eastman, Russell Dupuis
Pittsburgh - Materials Research Society, c1989
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Symposium (on) ion beam processing of advanced electronic materials (1989 ; San Diego, CA)
Ion beam processing of advanced electronic materials - symposium held April 25-27, 1989, San Diego, California, U.S.A. / Editors- N.W. Cheung, A.D. Marwick, J.B. Roberto
Pittsburgh - Materials Research Society, c1989
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Symposium B on Photon, Beam, and Plasma Assisted Processing Fundamental s and Device Technology (1988 ; Strasboug)
Photon, beam, and plasma assisted processing - proceedings of Symposium B on Photon, Beam, and Plasma Assisted Processing Fundamentals and Device Technology of the 1988 E-MRS Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France, 31 May-2 June, 1988 / edited by I.W. Boyd and E.F. Krimmel
Amsterdam - North-Holland, 1989
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Symposium C on Deep Implants- Fundamentals and Applications (1988 ; Str asbourg)
Deep implants - proceedings of Symposium C on Deep Implants, Fundamentals and Applications of the 1988 E-MRS Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France, 31 May-2 June 1988 / edited by G.G. Bentini, A. Golanski, S. Kalbitzer
Amsterdam ; New York - North-Holland, 1989
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Symposium D on beam processing and laser chemistry (1989 ; Strasbourg)
Beam processing and laser chemistry - proceedings of symposium D on beam processing and laser chemistry of the 1989 E-MRS spring conference - Strasbourg, France, 30 May-2 June 1989 / edited by I. W. Boyd and E. Rimini
Amsterdam (etc.) - North-Holland, 1989
Incluso in > Applied surface science - a journal devoted to the properties of interfaces in relation to the synthesis and behaviour of materials
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Symposium D on Preparation and Properties of Metastable Alloys (1988 ; Strasbourg)
Metastable alloys - preparation and properties - proceedings of Symposium D on Preparation and Properties of Metastable Alloys of the 1988 E-MRS Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France, 31 May-2 June, 1988 / edited by K. Samwer ... (ed altri)
Amsterdam - North-Holland, 1989
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Symposium dermal carcinogenesis, research directions for human relevance (1987 ; Austin)
Skin carcinogenesis - mechanisms and human relevance - proceedings of the Symposium dermal carcinogenesis - research directions for human relevance, held in Austin, Texas, December 1-4, 1987 / editors Thomas J. Slaga ... (ed altri
New York - Liss, (©1989
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Symposium Dynamics of processes in the soil and plant nutrition (1989 ; Praha)
Plant and Soil - proceedings of the Symposium 'Dynamics of processes in the soil and plant nutrition', Prague, september 1986 / edited by M. Dvorak, J. Cernohorska
Prague - Charles University, c1989
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Symposium graeco-arabicum (2. ; 1987 ; Bochum)
Akten des zweiten Symposium graeco-arabicum - Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, 3.-5. Marz 1987 - mit einer Synopse des Symposium graeco-arabicum 1. - Wassenaar, 19.-21. Februar 1985 / herausgegeben von Gerhard Endress ; unter Mitwirkung von Marita Schmeink
Amsterdam - B.R. Gruner, 1989
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Symposium Heracliteum (1981 ; Chieti)
Atti del Symposium Heracliteum 1981 / a cura di Livio Rossetti
Roma - Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1983-
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Symposium international de géomorphologie (1971 ; Liegi-Caen)
Symposium International de géomorphologie consacré à l'étude des processus périglaciaires pour l'expérimentation en laboratoire et la mesure de la dynamique sur le terrain - Liège-Caen, 1-9 julliet 1971
Liège - Université de Liège, 1972- .
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Symposium international James Joyce (5 ; 1975 ; Parigi)
Joyce & Paris - 1902.....1920-1940.....1975 - Actes du Cinquième Symposium International James Joyce, Paris 16-20 Juin 1975 / textes rassemblés par J. Aubert et Maria Jolas
Paris - Éditions du CNRS ; Villeneuve-D'Ascq - Publications de l'Université de Lille, 1979- .
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Symposium international sur l'avenir du Nord Quebecois (1987 ; Amos)
L' avenir du Nord Quebecois - Actes du Symposium International sur l'Avenir du Nord Quebecois tenu les 19, 20 et 21 novembre 1987 a Amos, Quebec / Directeurs Louis Edmond Hamelin et Micheline Potvin
Quebec - Presses de l'Universite du Quebec, c1989
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Symposium international sur la theorie et la pratique dans l'economie des transports (11. ; 1988 ; Bruxelles)
Les ressources pour les transports de demain - (11. Symposium international sur la théorie et la pratique dans l'économie des transports - Bruxelles, 12-14 septembre 1988) - rapports introductifs et synthèse des discussions
Bruxelles - CEMT, c1989
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Symposium internazionale di tracologia (5. ; 1987 ; Spoleto)
La civilta dei Traci - tradizioni classiche e ricerche archeologiche moderne- 5. Symposium internazionale di tracologia- Spoleto, 26-28 novembre 1987 / organizzato dal Centro europeo studi traci, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo
Roma - Nagard, 1989
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