Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1990 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3603 di 3832       

Wheeler, Robert Eric Mortimer
Arte e architettura romana / Mortimer Wheeler
Milano - Rusconi, 1990
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Wheeler, Thomas
Macbeth - an annotated bibliography / Thomas Wheeler
New York ecc. - Garland, 1990
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Wheeler, Tony
Nepal - a travel survival kit / Wheeler Tony, Richard Everist
Hawthorn - Lonely planet, 1990
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Wheeler, Tony
West Asia on a shoestring / Tony Wheeler
Victoria - Lonely Planet Publications, 1990
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Wheelock, Arthur K.
Anthony van Dyck / Arthur K. Wheelock Jr., Susan J. Barnes, Julius S. Held ; a cura di Christopher Brown ... ed altri
Washington - National Gallery of arts, copyr. 1990
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Wheen, Francis
Tom Driberg - his life and indiscretions / Francis Wheen
London - Chatto & Windus, 1990
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Whelpton, John
Nepal / John Whelpton compiler ; with the assistance of Lucette Boulnois ... (ed altri)
Oxford (ecc.) - Clio press, ©1990
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Whewell, William
Lectures on the history of moral philosophy in England ; and Additional lectures on the history of moral philosophy / William Whewell
Bristol - Thoemmes, c1990
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Whewell, William
Lectures on the history of moral philosophy in England and additional lectures on the history of moral philosophy / William Whewell
Bristol - Thoemmes Antiquarian Books, 1990
Incluso in > Nineteenth-Century British philosophy - first series
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Whidden, Tom
The art and science of sails - a guide to modern materials, construction, aerodynamics, upkeep, and use / Tom Whidden and Michael Levitt
New York - St. Martins, c1990
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Whincup, Michael H.
Contract law and practice - the English system and continental comparisons / by Michael H. Whincup
Deventer ; Boston - Kluwer, c1990
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Whipp, Richard
Patterns of labour - work and social change in the pottery industry / Richard Wipp
London ; New York - Routledge, 1990
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Whipple, Addison Beecher Colvin
Gli yacht da regata / di A.B.C. Whipple ; a cura dei redattori delle edizioni Time-Life
Milano - CDE-Gruppo Mondadori, stampa 1990
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Whistler, Catherine
Drawings by Michelangelo and Raphael / Catherine Whistler
Oxford - Ashmolean museum, 1990
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Whistling, C. F.
Handbuch der musikalischen literatur - oder allgeneines systematisch- geordnetes verzeichniss der in deutschland und in den engenzenden landern gedruckten musikalien auch musikalischen schiften und abbildungen ..
Leipzig - Bei Friedrich Hofmeister, 1844-1852-1924/28
Pubblicazione Periodica