Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 1998 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 409 di 5135       

International workshop on intelligent agents for telecommunications applications (2. ; 1998 ; Parigi)
Intelligent agents for telecommunication applications - 2. international workshop, IATA'98, Paris, France, July 1998 - proceedings / Sahin Albayrak, Francisco J. Garijo (eds.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1998
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International workshop on interactive distributed multimedia systems and telecommunication services (5. ; 1998 ; Oslo)
Interactive distributed multimedia systems and telecommunication services - 5. international workshop, IDMS'98 - Oslo, Norway, September 8-11, 1998 - proceedings / Thomas Plagemann, Vera Goebel (eds.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1998
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International workshop on lattice QCD on parallel computers (1997 ; Tsukuba)
Lattice QCD on parallel computers - proceedings of the International workshop on lattice QCD on parallel computers, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 10-15 March 1997 / edited by Yoichi Iwasaki, Akira Ukawa
Amsterdam - North-Holland, 1998
Incluso in > Nuclear physics. B, Proceedings supplements
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International workshop on Localization and bifurcation theory for soils and rocks (4 ; 1997 ; Gifu)
Localization and bifurcation theory for soils and rocks - proceedings of the fourth International workshop on localization and bifurcation theory for soils and rocks, Gifu, Japan, 28 september-2 october 1997 / edited by Toshihisa Adachi, Fusao Oka and Atsushi Yashima
Rotterdam ; Brookfield - Balkema, 1998
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International workshop on logic program synthesis and transformation (7. ; 1997 ; Lovanio)
Logic program synthesis and transformation - 7. international workshop, LOPSTR'97 - Leuven, Belgium, July 10-12, 1997 - proceedings / Norbert E. Fuchs (ed.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1998
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International workshop on Mammary gland biotechnology (1. ; 1997 ; Budapest)
Proceedings of the first International workshop on Mammary gland biotechnology - 16 and 17 August 1997, Budapest, Hungary
Luxembourg - European Communities, 1998
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International workshop on maximum entropy and Bayesian methods of statistical analysis (17. ; 1997 ; Boise, Idaho)
Maximum entropy and Bayesian methods - Boise, Idaho, USA, 1977 - proceedings of the 17. International workshop on maximum entropy and Bayesian metods of statistical analysis / edited by Gary I. Erickson, Joshua T. Rychert and C. Ray Smith
Dordrecht - Kluwer, c1998
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International workshop on memory technology, design and testing (1998 ; San Jose)
International workshop on memory technology, design and testintg - proceedings, August 24-25, 1998, San Jose, California USA / sponsored by IEEE Computer society, Technical committee on test technology, Technical committee on VLSI ; in cooperation with IEEE Solid-state circuit society ; edited by D. Lepejian ... (et. al.)
Los Alamitos, California (etc.) - IEEE Computer science, c1998
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International workshop on mobile agents (2. ; 1998 ; Stoccarda)
Mobile agents - 2. international workshop, MA'98 - Stuttgart, Germany, September 9-11, 1998 - proceedings / Kurt Rothermel, Fritz Hohl (eds.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1998
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International workshop on multimedia information analysis and retrieval (1998 ; Hong Kong)
Multimedia information analysis and retrieval - IAPR international workshop, MINAR'98 - Hong Kong, China, August 13-14, 1998 - proceedings / Horace H.S. Ip, Arnold W.M. Smeulders (eds.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1998
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International workshop on multimedia information systems (4. ; 1998 ; Istanbul)
Advances in multimedia information systems - 4. international workshop, MIS'98 - Instanbul, Turkey, September 24-26, 1998 - proceedings / Sushil Jajodia, M. Tamer Ozsu, Asuman Dogac (eds.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1998
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International workshop on operator theory (1997 ; Cefalu)
International workshop on operator theory - Cefalu (Palermo), July 14-19,1997 / edited by- P. Aiena, M. Pavone, C. Trapani
Palermo - Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 1998
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International workshop on optimal performance of civil infrastructure systems (1997 ; Portland)
Optimal performance of civil infrastructure systems - proceedings of the International workshop on Optimal performance of civil infrastructure systems held in conjunction with ASCE Technical committee on Optimal structural design meeting at the structural congress 15, Portland, Oregon, April 12, 1997
Reston, Va. - SEI and ASCE, c1998
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International workshop on paediatric osteology (2. ; 1997 ; Colonia)
Paediatric osteology - prevention of osteoporosis - a paediatric task? - proceedings of the 2. International workshop on paediatric osteology - Cologne, October 3-5, 1997 / editors E. Schonau, V. Matkovic
Amsterdam (etc. - Elsevier, 1998
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International workshop on polymer blends and polymer composites (1997 ; Sidney)
Polymer blends and polymer composites - proceedings of the International Workshop on polymer blends and polymer composites, 8-11 July 1997, Sidney, Australia / editors- L. Ye and Y.-W. Mai
Uetikon-Zuerich - Trans Tech publications, c1998
Incluso in > Key engineering materials
Testo Monografico