Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2004 (2 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3359 di 4666       

Investigaciones geograficas / Universidad de Chile
Santiago de Chile, 2000-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Investigaciones historicas
Valladolid - Universidad de Valladolid, 1979-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Investigaciones zoologicas chilenas
Santiago de Chile - s.n. , 1950-
Pubblicazione Periodica

O investigador portuguez em Inglaterra ou journal literario, politico, & c
Londres - H. Bryer, 1811-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Investigating local knowledge - new directions, new approaches / edited by Alan Bicker, Paul Sillitoe, Johan Pottier
Aldershot ; Burlington - Ashgate, c2004
Testo Monografico

Investigating social capital - comparative perspectives on civil society, participation, and governance / edited by Sanjeev Prakash, Per Selle
New Delhi ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. - Sage, 2004
Testo Monografico

An investigation of UV disinfection and repair in Cryptosporidium parvum / prepared by Paul A. Rochelle ... (ed altri)
Denver, CO - AWWARF, c2004
Testo Monografico

Investigation on ion implantation as a technique suitable to fabricate high efficiency silicon solar cells / research developped under contract between LAMEL-CNR and European economic community n. 197-76-7 ESI and partially supported by Progetto finalizzato Energetica of CNR G. Soncini, F. Zignani scientific responsibles
Bologna - CLUEB, 1979- .
Testo Monografico

Investigational report / Division of Fisheries, Department of Commerce and Industries
Pretoria, 1934-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Investigations in fish control
Washington, DC - US department of interior, Fish and wildlife service, Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, 1964-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Investigations in mathematics education
Columbus - The Center for Science and Mathematics Education, the Ohio State University
Pubblicazione Periodica

Investigations on beavers / edited by G. Pilleri
Berne - Brain anatomy institute, 1983-
Testo Monografico

Investigations on beavers / edited by G. Pilleri
Berne - Brain anatomy institute, 1983- .
Testo Monografico

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - IOVS - a journal of clinical and basic research - official publication of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Hagerstown (MD) (etc.) - Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (etc.), 1977-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Investigative radiology - the official publication of the Association of university radiologists and the Society of chairmen of academic radiology departments
Philadelphia (PA) - Lippincott, 1966-
Pubblicazione Periodica