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International conference on the applications of the Mossbauer effect 1983 ; Alma-Ata Applications of the Mossbauer effect - proceedings of the International conference on the applications of the Mossbauer effect, Alma-Ata, USSR, 26 September-1 October, 1983 / edited by Yu. M. Kagan, I. S. Lyubutin New York etc. - Gordon and Breach science publishers, 1985- Testo Monografico International Conference on the Environmental and Technical Implications of Construction with Alternative Materials Science and... (6 ; 2006 ; Wascon 2006 - sixth international conference on the environmental and technical implications of construction with alternative materials science and engineering of recycling for environmental protection. Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, may 30 - june 2, 2006 7 edited by Marina Ilic (ed altrii) Belgrade - Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, 2006 Testo Monografico International conference on the formation of semiconductor interfaces ( 10. ; 2005. - Aix-en-Provence) International conference on the formation of semiconductor interfaces - Aix en Provence, France 3-8 July 2005 / edited by C. Girardeaux, B. Aufray...(ed altri) Les Ulis - EDP sciences, 2006 Incluso in > Journal de physique 4- Colloque - JP Testo Monografico International conference on the history of occupational health and environmental prevention (2. ; 2001 ; Norrkoping) Occupational health and public health - lessons from the past, challenges for the future / Marie C. Nelson (Ed.) ; editorial committee- Svante Beckman, Jan Sundin and Marie C. Nelson Stockholm - Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2006 Testo Monografico International conference on theoretical aspects of catalysis (11. ; 2006 ; Schmockwitz near Berlin) International conference on theoretical aspects of catalysis - Schmockwitz near Berlin (Germany), June 11-14, 2006 - conference book (S.n.t.), 2006 Testo Monografico International Conference on ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions (18. ; 2005 - Budapest) Quark matter 2005 - proceedings of the 18. international conference on ultra-realtivistic nucleus-nucleus collisions Budapest, Hungary, 4-9 August, 2005 / edited by Tamas Csorgo ... (ed altri) Amsterdam - Elsevieer, c2006 Incluso in > Nuclear physics. A - journal devoted to the experimental and theoretical study of the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions Testo Monografico International Conference on Urban Drainage (10. ; 2005 ; Copenhagen) Urban Drainage 2005 - Selected proceedings of the 10. International Conference on Urban Drainage, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-26 August 2005 / Issue Editors- P.S. Mikkelsen ... (ed altri) London - IWA Publishing, c2006 Incluso in > Water science & technology / a journal of the International association on water quality Testo Monografico International conference on verification, model checking and abstract interpretation (7. ; 2006 ; Charleston) Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation - 7th International Conference, VMCAI 2006 - Charleston, SC, USA, January 8-10, 2006 - proceedings / E. Allen Emerson, Kedar S. Namjoshi (eds.) Berlin ; Heidelberg, New York - Springer ©2006 Testo Monografico International conference on virtual execution environments (2. ; 2006 ; Ottawa) Proceedings of the second international conference on virtual execution environments - VEE 2006 - June 14-16, 2006, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada / sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN & ACM SIGOPS, with additional support from USENIX, VMware & IBM research New York - ACM, ©2006 Testo Monografico International Conference Partial differential equations and several complex variables (2004 ; Wuhan) Recent progress on some problems in several complex variables and partial differential equations - International conference partial differential equations and several complex variables, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, June 9-13, 2004, International conference complex geometry and related fields, East China normal University, Shangai, China, June 2-24, 2004 / Shiferaw Berhanu ... (ed altri) editors Providence, R.I. - AMS, 2006 Testo Monografico International conference Studies for the integrated text science (7. ; 2005 ; Nagoya) Conflict between tradition and creativity in Indian philosophy - text and context - proceedings of the seventh International conference Studies for the integrated text science - (3 and 4 December 2005, Nagoya / edited by Toshihiro Wada Nagoya - Graduate school of letters, Nagoya university, 2006 Testo Monografico International congress for analytical psychology (16. ; 2004 ; Barcellona) Edges of experience- memory and emergence - proceedings of the 16. International Congress for Analytical Psychology / edited by Lyn Cowan Einsiedeln - Daimon, c2006 Testo Monografico International Congress for neo-Latin studies (12 ; 2003 ; Bonn) Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Bonnensis - proceedings of the twelfth International Congress of Neo-Latin studies - Bonn 3-9 August 2003 / general editor Rhoda Schnur ; edited by Perrine Galand-Hallyn ... (ed altri) Tempe - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2006 Testo Monografico International congress of auxology (10. ; 2004 ; Firenze) Human growth in sickness and in health - selected papers from the 10. International congress of auxology / editors- Ivan Nicoletti, Lawrence M. Schell and Giulio Gilli Firenze - Nicomp LE, (2006) Testo Monografico International congress of byzantine studies (21. ; London ; 2006) Proceedings of the 21st international congress of Byzantine studies - London, 21-26 August 2006 / edited by Elizabeth Jeffreys Aldershot - Ashgate, c2006 Testo Monografico |