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International workshop on high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites (HPFRCC) in structural applications / edited by G. Fischer and V. C. Li Bagneux - RILEM Publications, 2006 Testo Monografico International saga conference (13. ; 2006 ; Yorck and Durham) The Fantastic in Old Norse/Icelandic literature - Sagas and the British Isles - Preprint papers of the 13. International Saga Conference, Durham and York, 6-12 August 2006 (...) / edited by John McKinnel, David Ashurst and Donata Kick Durham - Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, c2006 Testo Monografico International Sanskrit Conference (1. ; 1972 ; New Delhi) International Sanskrit conference - Ministry of education and social welfare, Government of India, New Delhi - March, 26-31 1972 / edited by V. Raghavan New Delhi - Ministry of education and social welfare, 1975- Testo Monografico International school earth and planetary sciences Proceedings / International school earth and planetary sciences , Siena - (s. n.) Pubblicazione Periodica International school of solid state physics (33. ; 2004 ; Erice) Epioptics-8 - proceedings of the 33. course of the International school of solid state physics - Erice, Italy, 20-26 July 2004 / editor, Antonio Cricenti New Jersey - World scientific, c2006 Testo Monografico International scientific colloquium Modelling for material processing (4. ; 2006 ; Riga) Proceedings of the 4. International scientific colloquium Modelling for material processing - Riga, June 8-9, 2006 / organized by University of Latvia, University of Hannover Riga - University of Latvia, 2006 Testo Monografico International Scientific Conference Management of Forest ecosystems in national parks and other protected areas (2006 ; Jahorina) Zbornik radova / Meðunarodna naucna konferencija Gazdovanje sumskim ekosistemima nacionalnih parkova i drugih zasticenih podrucja - Jahorina - Tjentiste, Bosna i Hercegovina, 05 - 08. Jul 2006. god Banja Luka - Sumarski fakultet, 2006 Testo Monografico International scientific conference on law and economics (1. ; 2005 ; St. Gallen) New frontiers of law and economics - first international scientific conference on law and economics at the University of St. Gallen - October 27-28, 2005 St. Gallen, Switzerland Zurich (etc.) - Schulthess, 2006 Testo Monografico International scientific practical Conference (2006 ; Siauliai) Information & communication technology in natural science education 2006 - proceedings of International scientific practical Conference - December 1-2, 2006, Siauliai, Lithuania - EU sixth framework programme, international research project ARiSE Šiauliai - Šiauliu universiteto leidykla, 2006 Testo Monografico International Sedimentological Congress (17. ; Fukuoka; 2006) 17th International sedimentological congress Abstracts - Fukuoka International Congress Center, Japan, 27th August to 1st September 2006 / compiled and edited by K. Hoyanagi, O. Takano and K. Kano (Fukuoka - s.n., 2006) Testo Monografico International seminar on family research Recherches sur la famille / du Séminaire international de recherche sur la famille et de l'Institut Unesco de Sciences sociales Testo Monografico International Senckenberg Conference (18. ; 2004 ; Weimar) Late Neogene and quaternary biodiversity and evolution - regional developments and interregional correlations ; proceedings of the 18. International Senckenberg Conference (VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar) / eds. Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke, Lutz Christian Maul, Paul P. A. Mazza Stuttgart - E. Schweizerbart'sche, 2006 Testo Monografico International social security association Berufliche Wiederherstellung und Bemessung der Leistungen - 4. bericht 10. Generalversammlung - Wien, 3.bis 7. juli 1951 / Internationale vereinigung fur soziale sicherheit Genf - Generalsekretariat, 1951 Testo Monografico International social security association Evolution et tendances de la sécurité sociale / Association internationale de la securité sociale Genève - A.I.S.S., 1959- Testo Monografico International society for applied ethology Proceedings of the ... International congress of the international society for applied ethology Wheathampstead - UFAW Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, 1966- Pubblicazione Periodica |