Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2007 (2 di 6)

Pagina nr. 1049 di 4666       

Environmental and biotic changes during the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition / edited by Hongfu Yin, Geoffrey Warrington, Shucheng Xie
Amsterdam - Elsevier, 2007
Incluso in > Global and planetary change - A daughter journal of palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology palaeoecology
Testo Monografico

Environmental and ecological statistics
London - Chapman & Hall, 1994-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental and experimental botany
Oxford ; New York - Pergamon press, 1976-
Pubblicazione Periodica

4- Environmental and microbial relationships / volume editors- C. P. Kubicek, I. S. Druzhinina
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, c2007
Incluso in > The Mycota - a comprehensive treatise on fungi as experimental systems for basic and applied research / edited by K. Esser and P. A. Lemke
Testo Monografico

Environmental and molecular mutagenesis - journal of the Environmental mutagen society
New York, N.Y. - Liss, (©1987-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental and molecular mutagenesis. Supplement - journal of the Environmental mutagen society
, N. 10 (1987)-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental and occupational medicine / edited by William N. Rom ; associate editor, Steven B. Markowitz
Philadelphia (etc.) - Wolters Kluwer - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2007
Testo Monografico

Environmental and planning law journal
North Ryde - The Law book company
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental archaeology - the journal of human palaeoecology / Association for Environmental Archaeology
Oxford - Oxbow books, 1998-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental archaeology in Transdanubia / edited by Csilla Zatykoo, Imola Juhasz and Pal Sumegi
Budapest - Archaeological Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007
Testo Monografico

Environmental balance sheet - specific approach to small lakes and surrounding territory / (Alberto Maffiotti ... ed altri)
Torino - Arpa Piemonte, 2007
Testo Monografico

Environmental biology of fishes
Dordrecht (etc.) - W. Junk
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental bioremediation technologies / Shree N. Singh, Rudra D. Tripathi (eds.)
Berlin - Springer, c2007
Testo Monografico

Environmental biosafety research / International Society for Biosafety Research - Vol.1, n.1(2001)-
Les Ulis Cedex - EDP Sciences, 2001-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Environmental brief - Pathways for green design / Richard Hyde...(ed altri
New York - Taylor & Francis, 2007
Testo Monografico