Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2007 (2 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3377 di 4666       

Intellectual property / edited by William T. Gallagher
Aldershot - Ashgate, c2007
Testo Monografico

Intellectual property / general editor- R. Blanpain ; editor- H. Vanhees
The Hague (etc.) - Kluwer law international, 1997-
Incluso in > International encyclopaedia of laws / general editor R. Blanpain
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Intellectual property - cases and materials / by David Lange, Mary LaFrance, Gary Myers
St. Paul, MN - Thomson/West, c2007
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Intellectual property - the many faces of the public domain / edited by Charlotte Waelde, Hector MacQueen
Cheltenham - Edward Elgar, c2007
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Intellectual property and free trade agreements / edited by Christopher Heath and Anselm Kamperman Sanders
Oxford and Portland - Hart, 2007
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Intellectual property and information wealth - issues and practices in the digital age / edited by Peter K. Yu
Westport ; London - Praeger, 2007
Testo Monografico

Intellectual property and TRIPS compliance in China - Chinese and European perspectives / edited by Paul Torremans, Hailing Shan, Johan Erauw
Cheltenham ; Northampton - Edward Elgar, c2007
Testo Monografico

Intellectual property law review
New York - Boardman, 1978-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Intellectual property quarterly
Vol. 1, n. 1(1997)-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Intellectual property, competition and growth / edited by Roberto Cellini and Guido Cozzi
Basingstoke ; New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
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Intellectual property, trade and development - strategies to optimize economic development in a TRIPS-Plus era / edited by Daniel J. Gervais
Oxford - Oxford university press, 2007
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Intellektuellendiskurse in der Weimarer Republik - zur politischen Kultur einer Gemengelage / Manfred Gangl, Gérard Raulet
Frankfurt am Main (etc.) - P. Lang, 2007
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Intellettuali italiani del secondo Novecento / Angela Barwig, Thomas Stauder (Hrsg.)
Oldenbourg - Verlag für deutsch-italienische Studien, 2007
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Gli intellettuali italiani e l'Europa (1903-1956) / a cura di Franco Petroni e Massimiliano Tortora
San Cesario di Lecce - Manni, (2007)
Testo Monografico

L' intellettualità - opuscolo quindicinale d'arte e letteratura
Bologna - Tip. Belle Arti, 1904-
Pubblicazione Periodica