Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2008 (3 di 6)

Pagina nr. 745 di 4666       

National technical university - Faculty of civil engineering scientific papers
Athens - NTU, 1977-
Pubblicazione Periodica

National Theatre Critics' Reviews- New York - Woodside, N.Y. - Davy
28 cm
Pubblicazione Periodica

National trade and professional associations of the United States
Washington (DC), 1971
Pubblicazione Periodica

The national union catalog - a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries / compiled by the Library of Congress with the cooperation of the American library association
Washington - The Library of Congress, 1956-
Pubblicazione Periodica

National union catalog of manuscript collections - based on reports from American repositories on manuscripts / Compiled by the Library of Congress with the advice of the advisory Committee on the National union catalog of manuscript collections under a grant from the Council on library resources
Ann Arbor, Michigan - J. W. Edwards, 1962-
Pubblicazione Periodica

The national virtual observatory- tols and techniques for astronomical research - proceedings of summer schools held at Aspen, Colorado, USA, in 2004, 2005 and 2006 / edited by Matthew J. Graham, Michael J. Fitzpatrick and Thomas A. McGlynn
San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2008
Testo Monografico

National water conditions
N.7(July 1982)-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nationale Bewegung und soziale Organisation - vergleichende Studien zur nationalen Vereinsbewegung des 19. Jahrhunderts in Europa / herausgegeben von Theodor Schieder ... (ed altri) ; mit Beitragen von Peter Alter ... (et al.)
Munchen ; Wien - Oldenbourg, 1978-
Testo Monografico

Nationalism & Ethnic Politics
London - F. Cass, 1995-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nationalmusei Arsbok / Utgiven ar Foreningen Nationalmusei Vanner
Uppsala - (s.n.), 1919-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nationalsozialismus in Dinslaken und seine Nachwirkungen - neue Forschungsergebnisse / Beitra¨ge von Sepp Aschenbach ... (ed altri) ; herausgegeben von der Stadt Dinslaken ; Koordination, Redaktion, Gisela M. Marzin
Essen - Klartext, 2008
Testo Monografico

National konomisk tidsskrift
K benhavn - s.n. , 1873-.
Pubblicazione Periodica

Les Nations - revue hebdomadaire
Paris - Imp. Lang, Blanchong et, 1917-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nations and Nationalism - Journal of the Association for the study of Ethnicity and Nationalism
London - Association for the study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, 1995-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nations and nationalism - journal of the Association for the study of ethnicity and nationalism
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1995-
Pubblicazione Periodica