Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2010 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 3419 di 3555       

Wolff, Diane
Tibet unconquered - an epic struggle for freedom / Diane Wolff ; foreword by Robert Thurman
New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2010
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Wolff, Hanna
Gesù psicoterapeuta - l'atteggiamento di Gesù nei confronti degli uomini come modello della moderna psicoterapia / Hanna Wolff
Brescia - Queriniana, 2010
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Wolff, Larry
The idea of Galicia - history and fantasy in Habsburg political culture / Larry Wolff
Standford, California - Stanford University press, 2010
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Wolff, Michael
The man who owns the news - inside the secret world of Rupert Murdoch / Michael Wolff
New York - Broadway books, c2010
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Wolff, Mishna
Credetemi, c'ho provato / Mishna Wolff ; traduzione di Chiara Brovelli
Roma - Fandango, (2010)
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Wolff, Tom
The power of collaborative solutions - six principles and effective tools for building healthy communities / Tom Wolff ; foreword by Neal R. Peirce
San Francisco - Jossey-Bass, c2010
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Wolffe, Richard
Renegade - the making of a president / Richard Wolffe
New York - Three rivers press, c2010
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Wolffsohn, Katrin
Kreativität als Teil der Dolmetschkompetenz - kognitive Komponenten der Kreativität und Heuristiken für die Dolmetschsituation / Katrin Wolffsohn
Saarbrücken - VDM, 2010
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Wolfram - von Eschenbach
Parzival / traduit par Danielle Buschinger et Jean-Marc Pastré
Paris - Champion, 2010
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Wolfram - von Eschenbach
Willehalm - Codex Vindobonensis 2670 der Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek / Wolfram von Eschenbach ; Kommentar von Fritz Peter Knapp
Graz - Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, c2005-
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Wolfram - von Eschenbach
Wolfram von Eschenbach / von Karl Lachmann
Berlin - Walter de Gruyter, 1952-
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Wolfram, Herwig
Die Goten und ihre Geschichte / Herwig Wolfram
München - C. H. Beck, 2010
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Wolfson, Harry Austryn
La filosofia dei Padri della Chiesa / Harry Austryn Wolfson
Brescia - Paideia, c1978-
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Wolfson, Harry Austryn
Studies in the history of philosophy and religion / edited by Isadore Twersky and George H. Williams
Cambridge (Mass.) - Harvard University press, 1973- .
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Wolfstieg, August
Bibliographie der freimaurerischen Literatur
Hildesheim - Olms, 1964- .
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