Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2010 (4 di 4)

Pagina nr. 3457 di 3555       

Yunus, Muhammad
Si può fare - come il business sociale può creare un capitalismo più umano / Muhammad Yunus ; con la collaborazione di Karl Weber ; traduzione di Pietro Anelli
Milano - Feltrinelli, 2010
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Yust, Larry
The beautiful walls - photographic elevations of street art in Los Angeles, Berlin and Paris / Photography by Larry Yust ; text by Patrick A. Polk
Los Angeles - Fowler museum at UCLA, 2010
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Yusuf, Hakeem
Transitional justice, judicial accountability and the rule of law / Hakeem O. Yusuf
Abingdon ; New York - Routledge, 2010
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Yuyama, Akira
Sanskrit fragments of the Mahayana Mahaparinirvanasutra / Akira Yuyama
Tokyo - Reiyukai Library, 1981-
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Yzquierdo Tolsada, Mariano
Responsabilidad civil contractual y extracontractual / Mariano Yzquierdo Tolsada
Madrid - Reus, 1993-
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Yehudah ha-Lewi
1- Nichtgottesdienstichle Poesie (Heft 3.) / Abû l Hasan Jehuda ha-Levi
Berlin - Druck von H. Itzkowski, 1903
Incluso in > Diwan des Abu-l-Hasan Jehuda ha-Levi. Unter Mitwirkung namhafter Gelehrter bearbeitet und mit einer ausfuhrlichen Einleitung / versehen von Hayim Brody
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Yo, Ch'un-yon
Han'gugo munpop yono yon'gu / Yo Ch'un-yon
Kyonggi-do P'aju-si - Chimmundang, 2010
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Yo, Un'pil
Han'guk chungse ui Hansi yon'gu / Yo Un'pil
Seoul - Worin, 2010
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Zaagsma, Gerben
Transnational networks of Jewish migrant radicals - the case of Berlin / Gerben Zaagsma
Incluso in > Transit und Transformation - osteuropaisch-judische Migranten in Berlin 1918-1939 / herausgegeben von Verena Dohrn und Gertrud Pickhan
Testo a stampa

ZAAR-Kongress (7. ; 2010 ; Monaco di Baviera)
Neues Arbeitskampfrecht - 7. ZAAR-Kongress, München, 7. Mai 2010 / Volker Rieble, Abbo Junker und Richard Giesen (herausg.)
München - ZAAR, 2010
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ZAAR-Tagung (2. ; 2010 ; Amburgo)
Arbeitsrecht im Konzern - 2. ZAAR-Tagung, Hamburg, 10 September 2010 / Volker Rieble, Abbo Junker und Richard Giesen (herausgeber)
München - ZAAR, 2010
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Zabarini, Orsolina
Le stagioni della vita / Orsolina Zabarini
(Padova) - Statale11, 2010
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Zabeeh, Farhang
The message ; On time and eternity / Farhang Zabeeh
(Roma ) - Biblioteca d'Orfeo, stampa 2010
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Zabelin, Ivan Egorovic
Domasnij byt russkich carej v 16. i 17. stoletijach - v trech knigach / I, E. Zabelin
Moskva - Kniga, 1990-
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Zabeo, Marco
La ricostruzione del paesaggio antropico di età romana in siti a morfologie variabili - la Laguna di Venezia da Brundulum ad Equilum / Marco Zabeo ; direttore della Scuola- Giovanni Leonardi ; supervisore- Guido Rosada
(Padova, 2010)
Testo Monografico