Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2011 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 3399 di 4833       

Oeuvres complètes / Publiées par Edmond Faral et Julia Bastin
Paris - Picard, 1959-
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Paris - Champion, 1979-
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Rutelli, Francesco
Non è vero - liberiamoci dagli inganni, rimettiamo in ordine l'Italia / Francesco Rutelli
Soveria Mannelli - Rubbettino, 2011
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Rutherford, Adam
Dunstable,Bedfordshire - Institute of pyramidology, 1961
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Rutherford, Anne
What makes a film tick - Cinematic affect, materiality and mimetic innervation / Anne Rutherford
Bern - Peter Lang, 2011
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Rutherford, Ernest
The collected papers of Lord Rutherford of Nelson / published under the scientific direction of James Chadwick
London - George Allen and Unwin, 1962-
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Rutherford, Malcolm
The institutionalist movement in American economics, 1918-1947 - science and social control / Malcolm Rutherford
New York - Cambridge university press, 2011
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Rutherford, Richard B.
Culture in pieces - essays on ancient texts in honour of Peter Parsons / edited by Dirk Obbink and Richard Rutherford
Oxford - Oxford university press, 2011
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Rutherfurd, Edward
New York / Edward Rutherfurd ; traduzione di Stefano Viviani
Milano - Oscar Mondadori, 2011
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Ruthers, Bernd
Allgemeiner Teil des BGB / von Bernd Ruthers seit der 11. Auflage fortgefuhrt von Astrid Stadler
Munchen - C.H. Beck, 2011
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Ruthers, Bernd
Rechtstheorie / von Bernd Ruthers und Christian Fischer und Alex Birk
Munchen - C. H. Beck, 2011
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Rutigliano, Enzo
Guerra e società / Enzo Rutigliano
Torino - Bollati Boringhieri, 2011
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Rutigliano, L. Carlo
Itinerari turistici potentini
Potenza - La Cuntana, 1969- .
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Rutigliano, Raffaele
Metasperanze / Raffaele Rutigliano
Villalba di Guidonia - Aletti, 2011
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Rutilius Namatianus, Claudius
Il ritorno / Claudio Rutilio Namaziano ; a cura di Sara Pozzato e Andrea Rodighiero ; saggio introduttivo di Alessandro Fo
Torino - Nino Aragno, (2011)
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