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Argomento: Africa

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seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique
Liste des periodiques africains de la bibliotheque de l'Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique
Bruxelles - Service de documentation de sciences naturelles, 1960
Testo Monografico

Institute of Directors in Southern Africa
King report 3. sulla corporate governance per il Sud Africa / Institute of Directors in Southern Africa
Torino - Codice, 2009
Testo Monografico

Institute of missiology Missio
Theology in context - information on theological contributions from Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America / Institute of missiology Missio
Aachen - Institute of missiology Missio, -2002
Pubblicazione Periodica

Instituto português de arquivos
Guia de fontes portuguesas para a história de África / Instituto português de arquivos
Lisboa - Comissão nacional para as comemorações dos descobrimentos portugueses - Fundação Oriente - Imprensa nacional-Casa da Moeda
Testo Monografico

Instituto superior de economia. Centro de estudos da dependencia
A Africa austral em perspectiva / Instituto superior de economia. Centro de estudos da dependencia ; organizacao e prefacio de Eduardo de Sousa Ferreira
Testo Monografico

Inter African Phytosanitary Commission
A memorandum for phytosanitary procedure in Africa / Inter-African Phytosanitary Commission
(London - (s.n. , 1961
Testo Monografico

Inter-Territorial Language Committee
A standard English-Swahili dictionary - founded on Madan's English-Swahili dictionary / by the Inter-territorial Language Committee for the East African Dependencies ; under the direction of the late Frederick Johnson
London - Oxford University Press, 1971
Testo Monografico

Inter-Territorial Language Committee
A standard English-Swahili dictionary - founded on Madan's English-Swahili dictionary / by the Inter-territorial language committee of the East African dependencies ; under the direction of Frederick Johnson
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Oxford university press etc. , stampa 1953
Testo Monografico

Inter-Territorial Language Committee
A standard Swahili-English dictionary - founded on Madan's Swahili-English dictionary / by the Inter-territorial Language Committee for the East African Dependencies ; under the direction of the late Frederick Johnson
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1971
Testo Monografico

Inter-territorial language committee for the east African dependencies
Swahili English dictionary - founded on Madan's Swahili-English dictionary / by the Inter-territorial language committee for the East African dependencies ; under the direction of the late Frederick Johnson
New York - Saphrograph, 1969
Testo Monografico

Inter-University Committee for African Studies
Select Bibliography of South African native life and problems / compiled for the Inter-University Committee for African Studies, under the direction of I. Schapera
New York - Kraus Reprint, 1969
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InterAcademy Council
Realizing the promise and potential of African agriculture - science and technology strategies for improving agricultural productivity and food security in Africa / InterAcademy Council
Amsterdam - InterAcademy Council, ©2004
Testo Monografico

Interdisciplinary family research seminar (2. ; 1972 ; Legon)
Changing family studies - proceedings of the second interdisciplinary family research seminar held at the Institute of African studies, University of Ghana, June 1972 / edited by Christine Oppong. - Legon - Institute of African studies
Testo Monografico

Internationa conference on health informatics in Africa (1 ; 1993 ; Ile-Ife)
Health informatics in Africa - HELINA 93 - first International conference on health informatics in Africa - Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 19-23 April 1993 / editors S. H. Mandil ... ed altri ; organized by International medical informatics association ... et al. and co-sponsored by World health organization
Amsterdam etc. - Excerpta medica, 1993
Incluso in > International congress series - ICS / Excerpta medica
Testo Monografico

International African institute
African agrarian systems - studies presented and discussed at the second international African seminar - Lovanium university, Leopoldville
London - Oxford Univ. Press, 1966
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