Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Algebra

Pagina nr. 497 di 1187       

Comessatti, Annibale (1886-1945)
Sopra una disuguaglianza fra i generi di una superficie algebrica - nota / di Annibale Comessatti
Roma - Tipografia della R. Accacemia dei Lincei, 1919
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Comessatti, Annibale (1886-1945)
Sulle serie algebriche semplicemente infinite di gruppi di punti appartenenti ad una curva algebrica / memoria di Annibale Comessatti
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - sn., 1913)
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Commissaire, H.
1- Elements d'algebre et de geometrie analytique / H. Commissaire, G. Cagnac
Paris - Masson, 1947
Incluso in > Cours de mathematiques speciales / H. Commissaire, G. Cagnac
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Commissaire, H.
1- Elements d'algebre et de geometrie analytique / H. Commissaire, G. Cagnac
Paris - Masson, 1954
Incluso in > Cours de mathematiques speciales / H. Commissaire, G. Cagnac
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Commissaire, Hippolyte (1873-1947)
1- Eléments d'algèbre et de géométrie analityque / H. Commissaire et G. Cagnac
(Paris) - J. Gabay, (1997)
Incluso in > Cours de mathematiques speciales / H. Commissaire et G. Cagnac
Testo Monografico

Computational algebra seminar (1990 ; Amsterdam)
Computational aspects of Lie group representations and related topics - proceedings of the 1990 Computational algebra seminar at CWI, Amsterdam / edited by A. M. Cohen
Amsterdam - Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, copyr. 1991
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Computers in algebra and number theory (1970 ; New York)
Computers in algebra and number theory - proceedings of a symposium in applied mathematics of the American mathematical society and the Society for industrial and applied mathematics, held in New York city, March 25-26, 1970 / edited byGarrett Birkhoff, Marshall Hall, jr
Providence - American mathematical society, 1971
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Concina, Umberto
Recensione sull’Aritmetica ed algebra ad uso delle scuole medie superiori di Francesco Palatini / Umberto Concina
Bologna - Tipografia Cuppini, 1910. – 8 p. ; 24 cm, 1910. – 8 p.
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Condamine, M.
Mathematique - algebre et analyse premieres C-D-E / M. Condamine, P. Vissio
Paris - Delagrave, c1976
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Condamine, M.
Mathematique - algebre lineaire et geometrie - premieres C-D-E / M. Condamine
Paris - Delagrave, 1970
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Conference "Algebra and logic" (1986 ; Cetinje)
Proceedings of the Conference "Algebra and logic", Cetinje, 1986
Novi Sad - Institute of mathematics, Faculty of science, University of Novi Sad, 1987
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Conference algebra and logic (6. ; 1987 ; Sarajevo)
Proceedings of the conference algebra and logic - Sarajevo 1987 / (editor Sinisa Crvenkovic)
Novi Sad - Institute of mathematics, 1989
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Conference interesting algebraic varieties arising in algebraic transformation group theory (2001 ; Vienna)
Algebraic transformation groups and algebraic varieties - proceedings of the conference interesting algebraic varieties aristing in algebraic transformation group theory, held at the Erwin Schrodinger Institute, Vienna, october 22-26, 2001 / Vladimir L. Popov (editor)
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, c2004
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Conference of interactions of classical and numerical algebraic geometry (2008 ; Notre Dame, Indiana)
Interactions of classical and numerical algebraic geometry - a conference in honor of Andrew Sommese, interactions of classical and numerical algebraic geometry, may 22-24, 2008 University of Notre dame, Notre Dame, Indiana / Daniel J. Bates ... (ed altri) eds
Providence - American mathematical Society, c2009
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Conference on algebraic aspects of combinatorics (1975 ; Toronto)
Proceedings of the conference on algebraic aspects of combinatorics - University of Toronto, Toronto, January, 1975 / edited by D. Corneil and E. Mendelsohn
Winnipeg - Utilitas mathematica, ©1975
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