Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 641 di 5334       

Boston - Little, Brown and C., 1952
Incluso in > American law of property - a treatise on the law of property in the United States
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Washington, D.C. - United States government printing office, 1964
Incluso in > Investigation of the assassination of president John F. Kennedy - hearings before the President's commission on the assassination of president Kennedy - pursuant to executive order 11130 ..
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Milano - Vallardi, 1965
Incluso in > America
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Nendeln - Kraus Reprint, 1966
Incluso in > Coleccion de documentos ineditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y colonizacion de las posesiones espanolas en America y Oceania, sacados, en su mayor parte, del Real Archivo de Indias, / bajo...
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New York ; London - Academic Press, 1973
Incluso in > Methods in cell biology / edited by David M. Prescott
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Dobbs Ferry (N.Y.) - Oceana, 1978
Incluso in > American Landmark Legislation - Primary Materials / compiled and edited by Irving J. Sloan
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Madrid - Atlas, 1980
Incluso in > Los virreyes espanoles en America durante el gobierno de la Casa de Austria. Peru / edicion de Lewis Hanke con la colaboracion de Celso Rodriguez
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Frederick, Md. - University publications of America, 1982
Incluso in > Vietnam and Southeast Asia, 1946-1976 / United States, Central Intelligence Agency ; ed. by Paul Kesaris
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Frederick, Md. - University publications of America, 1982
Incluso in > Latin America - special studies, 1962-1980 / ed. by Paul Kesaris
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St. Paul (Minn.) etc. - West publishing, c1984
Incluso in > The guide to American law - everyones legal encyclopedia
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New Haven - The Connecticut Academy of arts and sciences, 1986
Incluso in > A manual of the writings in Middle English - 1050-1500 - based upon a Manual of the writings in Middle English 1050-1400 by John Edwin Wells, New Haven, 1916, and Supplements 1-9, 1919-1951 / by me...
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Amsterdam - Time-life bucher, 1995 (Mailand - G.E.A.)
Incluso in > Hello America - the Time-life English course
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(St. Paul, Minn.) - Thomson - West, c2004
Incluso in > Corpus juris secundum - a contemporary statement of American law as derived from reported cases and legislation / by Lawrence J. Culligan and Milorad Nikolic ; poi Robert J. Owens and Anthony V. Am...
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Washington- Its America, 2008
Incluso in > 15th world congress on intelligent transport systems- the combined 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and ITS America's 2008 Annual Meeting..
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7 / (compilata dai) PP. Benedettini della Congregazione di S. Mauro in Francia
Venezia - Tip. Gattei, (18.. )
Incluso in > L' arte di verificare le date dei fatti storici delle inscrizioni delle cronache e di altri antichi monumenti dall'anno 1770 sino ai giorni nostri, e comprende - la cronologia storica dell'America s...
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