Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 1460 di 7048       

Foster, William Z.
The bankruptcy of the american labor movement / by Wm. Z. Foster
Chicago - The Trade Union educational league, 192.
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Foster, William Z.
Geschichte der Kommunistischen Partei der Vereinigten Staaten / William Z. Foster
Berlin - Dietz Verlag, 1956
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Foster, William Z.
History of the Communist Party of the United States / by William Z. Foster
New York - International Publishers, ©1952
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Foster, William Z.
The negro people in american history / William Z. Foster
New York - International publisher, c1954
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Foster, William Z.
Outline political history of the Americas / William Z. Foster
New York - International publishers, c1951
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Foster, William Z.
Pages from a workers life / William Z. Foster
New York - International publishers, c1939
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Foster, William Z.
Toward Soviet America / William Z. Foster
New York - Coward-McCann, c1932
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Foster, William Zebulon
Il crepuscolo del capitalismo / William Z. Foster ; prefazione di Giuseppe Berti
Roma - Edizioni di cultura sociale, 1950
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Fotheringham, Peter
American government and politics
London (etc.) - Faber and Faber, 1978
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Foti, Alex
Cronocrazie - politiche dell'orario di lavoro in Francia e USA - lezioni per le 35 ore italiane / Alex Foti
Milano - Etas, 1998
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Fotia, Mauro
La scienza politica americana nel pensiero di David Easton / Mauro Fotia
Bologna - Forni, 1965
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Fotiades, John M.
You're the judge - how to understand sports, torts & courts / by John M. Fotiades
Worcester, Mass. - Edgeworth & North books, c1989
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Fototeca unione
Ancient roman architecture - photographic archive on microfiche / Fototeca Unione, American Academy in Rome
Chicago - distributed by the University of Chicago Press, 1982
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Fototeca unione
Ancient Roman architecture - photographic index on microfiches / a cura di Fototeca unione at the American academy in Rome
München - K. G. Saur, 1979-
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Fotsch, Paul Mason
Watching the traffic go by - transportation and isolation in urban America / Paul Mason Fotsch
Austin - University of Texas press, 2007
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