Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 1462 di 7048       

Fournol, Etienne-Maurice
L' America nella letteratura francese del 1927 / Etienne Fournol.
Incluso in > Nuova Antologia - rivista di lettere, scienze ed arti
Testo a stampa

Fourny, Jean-Francois
In defense of the state- on Neil Bissoondath's Selling illusions, Micahel Lind's The next american nation, and Tzvetan Todorov's Morals of history / Jean-François Fourny
Incluso in > Research in African literatures
Testo a stampa

Fousek, John
To lead the free world - American nationalism and the cultural roots of the Cold war / John Fousek
Chapell Hill ; London - University of North Carolina Press, c2000
Testo Monografico

Fouts, Robert
Parasitic Wasps of the genus Trimorus in North America / by Robert M. Fouts
Washington - Smithsonian institution - United States national museum, 1948
Incluso in > Proceedings of the United States National Museum
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Foweraker, Joe
Governing Latin America / Joe Foweraker, Todd Landman, Neil Harvey
Cambridge - Polity, 2003
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Foweraker, Joe
Theorizing social movements / Joe Foweraker, - London - Boulder, Colorado - Pluto Press, 1995, - x, 145 p. ; 22 cm.
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Fowke, Gerard
Antiquities of central and south-eastern Missouri / by Gerard Fowke
Washington - Government printing office, 1910
Incluso in > Bulletin / Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology
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Fowler, Charles
Strong arts, strong schools - the promising potential and shortsighted disregard of the arts in American schooling / Charles Fowler
New York etc. - Oxford University press, 1996
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Fowler, Don D.
Anthropology of the Numa - John Wesley Powell's manuscripts on the Numic peoples of Western North America - 1868-1880
Washington - Smithsonian Inst. Press, 1971
Incluso in > Smithsonian contribution to anthropology .
Testo Monografico

Fowler, Don D.
John Wesley Powell and the anthropology of the Canyon Country - a description of John Wesley Powell's anthropological fieldwork, the archeology of the Canyon Country, and extracts from Powell's notes on the origins, customs, practices, and beliefs of the Indians of that area / by Don D. Fowler, Robert C. Euler and Catherine S. Fowler
Washington - United States Government Printing Office, 1969
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Fowler, Don D.
Material culture of the Numa - the John Wesley Powell collections - 1867-1880 / Don D. Fowler and John F. Matley
Washington - Smithsonian Institution press, 1979
Incluso in > Smithsonian contributions to anthropology / Smithsonian institution
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Fowler, Floyd J. (jr.)
Citizen attitudes toward local government, services, and taxes / (by) Floyd J. Fowler, Jr
Cambridge, Mass - Ballinger Pub. Co, (1974)
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Fowler, Harold North
1- Introduction, topography, architecture / by Harold North Fowler and Ricahrd Stillwell ; with contributions by Carl William Blegen, Benjamin Powell and Charles Alexander Robinson
Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard University press, 1932
Incluso in > Corinth - results of excavations conducted by the American School of classical studies at Athens
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Fowler, Henry W.
The marine fishes of West Africa - based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909-1915 / by Henry W. Fowler
New York - The American Museum of Natural History
Incluso in > Bulletin of the American museum of natural history
Testo Monografico

Fowler, Karen Joy
The Jane Austen book club / Karen Joy Fowler
London - Penguin books, 2005
Testo Monografico