Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 1972 di 7048       

Grob, Gerald N.
The mad among us - a history of the care of America's mentally ill / Gerald N. Grob
Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard university press, c1994
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Grob, Gerald N.
Mental illness and american society, 1875-1940 / Gerald N. Grob
Princeton - Princeton University Press, c1983
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Grob, Gerald N.
Mental institutions in America - social policy to 1875 / (by) Gerald N. Grob
New York - Free Press ; London - Collier-Macmillan, c1973
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Grob, Gerald N.
Workers and utopia - a study of ideological conflict in the American labor movement 1865-1900 / Gerald N. Grob
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Northwestern university press, 1961
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Grob, Gerald N.
Workers and utopia - a study of ideological conflict in the American labor movement 1865-1900 / Gerald N. Grob
Chicago - Quadrangle Books, 1969
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Grob, Gerald N.
Workers and utopia - a study of ideological conflict in the American labor movement 1865-1900 / Gerald N. Grob
New York - Quadrangle, 1976
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Grobel, Lawrence
Colazione da Truman - incontri con Capote / Lawrence Grobel ; traduzione di Lucio Carbonelli ; prefazione di James A. Michener
Roma - Minimum fax, 2007
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Grobéty, Gaël
Guerre de Troie, guerres des cultures et guerres du Golfe - les usages de l'Iliade dans la culture écrite américaine contemporaine / Gaël Grobéty
Bern (etc.) - Peter Lang, 2014
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Groce, George Cuthbert
The New York Historical society's dictionary of artists in America, 1564-1860 / by George C. Groce and David H. Wallace
New Haven, Conn. - Yale Universiry Press ; London - Oxford University Press, 1957
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Grodin, Joseph R.
Union government and the law- British and American experiences / Joseph R. Grodin
Los Angeles - Institute of Industrial Relations university of California, 1961
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Grodka, Sonia
Homeless no more - a discussion on integration between sponsor and refugee / by Sonia Grodka, Gerhard Hennes
New York - National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A, by the Office of publication and distribution, c1960
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Grodzins, Morton
The American system - a new view of government in the United States / by Morton Grodzins ; edited by Daniel J. Elazar
Chicago - Rand McNally, c1966
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Grodzins, Morton
The American system - a new view of government in the United States / Morton Grodzins ; edited by Daniel J. Elazar
Chicago - Rand McNally, 1966
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Groff, Lauren
Arcadia - romanzo / Lauren Groff ; traduzione di Tommaso Pincio
Torino - Codice Edizioni, 2014
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Groff, Lauren
I mostri di Templeton / Lauren Groff ; traduzione di Anna Rusconi
Torino - Einaudi, 2008
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