(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: America (CAN-Z) |
Pagina nr. 2139 di 7048 |
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The discovery of North America - a critical, documentary and historic investigation ... / by Henry Harrisse Paris - H. Welter ; London - Henry Stevens and Son, 1892 Testo Monografico Harrisse, Henry The discovery of North America - a critical, documentary and historic investigation ... / by Henry Harrisse Amsterdam - N. Israel, 1969 Testo Monografico Harrisse, Henry Fernand Colomb - sa vie, ses oeuvres / essai critique par l'auteur de la Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima (i.e. Henry Harisse) Paris - Tross, 1872 Testo Monografico Harrisse, Henry John Cabot, the discoverer of North-America and Sebastian his son - a chapter of the maritime history of England under the Tudors - 1496-1557 / by Henry Harrisse London - B. Franklin Stevens, 1896 Testo Monografico Harrisse, Henry Notes pour servir à l'histoire, à la bibliographie et à la cartographie de la Nouvelle-France et des pays adjacents - 1545-1700 / par l'auteur de la Bibliotheca americana vetustissima Paris - Librairie Tross, 1872 Testo Monografico Harrisse, Henry Le quatrieme centenaire de la decouverte du nouveau monde - Lettre adressee a son excellence le ministre de l'instruction publique du royaume d'Italie par un citoyen americain Genes - A. Donath Edit., 1887 (Tip. Marittima) Testo Monografico Harrod Northend, Mary American glass / by Mary Harrod Northend ; illustrated with photographs from the collection of the Author New York - Tudor pubblishing Co., stampa 1936 Testo Monografico Harrod, Howard L. Becoming and remaining a people - Native American religions on the Northern plains / Howard L. Harrod Tucson - University of Arizona Press, 1995 Testo Monografico Harrod, Jeffrey Trade Union foreign policy - a study of British and American Trade Union activities in Jamaica / Jeffrey Harrod London ; Basingstoke - Macmillan, 1972 Testo Monografico Harrold, Stanley American abolitionists / Stanley Harrold Harlow etc. - Longman, 2001 Testo Monografico Harrow, Benjamin Manuale di biochimica per Laboratorio - Traduzione a cura di Ruggero Conte Marotta sulla 2 edizione americana. Prefazione di Gaetano Quagliariello Napoli - Esi, Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 1950 (Tip. Meridionale) Testo Monografico Harsanyi, Doina Pasca Lessons from America - liberal French nobles in exile, 1793-1798 / Doina Pasca Harsanyi Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania State University press, 2010 Testo Monografico Harshav, Benjamin American yiddish poetry - a bilingual anthology / Benjamin and Barbara Harshav ; translations with the participation of Kathryn Hellerstein, Brian McHale, and Anita Norich Berkeley - University of California press, ©1986 Testo Monografico Harshberger, John W. Phytogeographic survey of North America - a consideration of the phytogeography of the North American continen, including Mexico ... / by John W. Harshberger Weinheim - H.R. Engelmann ; New York - Hafner, 1958 Testo Monografico Harshberger, John W. Phytogeographic survey of North America - a consideration of the phytogeography of the north American Continent, including Mexico, Central America and the West Indies, together with the evolution of North American plant distribution / by John W. Harshberger ; German extract by O. Drude Leipzig - Engelmann ; New York - Stechert, 1911 Testo Monografico |