Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 2159 di 7048       

Hatch, Alden
Ambasciatrice straordinaria / Alden Hatch ; (unica traduzione autorizzata dall'americano di Luciano Mercatali e Grazia Griffini)
(Milano) - A. Mondadori, 1956
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Hatch, Alden
American express - a century of service / by Alden Hatch
Garden City (New York) - Doubleday & Comp., 1950
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Hatch, Charles E.
America's oldest legislative assembly and its Jamestown Statehouse / by Charles E. Hatch Jr
Washington - Nationa Park Service, 1956
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Hatch, Edward White
The American wine cook book / Ted Hatch
New York - G. P. Putnam's sons, c1941
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Hatch, Eric
L' impareggiabile Godfrey / Eric Hatch
Milano - A. Mondadori, 1956
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Hatch, James Vernon
Black theater, U.S.A. - forty-five plays by Black Americans, 1847-1974 / James V. Hatch, editor. Ted Shine, consultant
New York - Free Press, 1974
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Hatch, Nathan O.
The democratization of American Christianity / Nathan O. Hatch
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, c1989
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Hatcher, Harlan Henthorne
Creating the modern American novel / by Harlan Hatcher
New York - Russell & Russell, 1965
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Hatcher, Robin Lee
La fuga di Libby / Robin Lee Hatcher
Milano - Mondolibri, (2000
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Hatfield, Craig Bond
Stratigraphy and paleoecology of the Saluda Formation (Cincinnatian) in Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky / Craig Bond Hatfield
Boulder, Co. - The geological society of America, 1968
Incluso in > Special paper / Geological Society of America
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Hatfield, W. Wilbur
The spirit of America in literature / by W. Wilbur Hatfield and H. D. Robert ; illustrated by Keith Ward
New York - The century co., 1931
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Hathaway, Dale E.
Agriculture and the GATT - rewriting the rules / Dale E. Hathaway
Washington - Institute for international economics, 1987
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Hathaway, Dale E.
People of rural America - a 1960 Census Monograph / by Dale E. Hathaway, J. Allan Beegle, W. Keith Bryant
Washington - U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968
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Hathaway, Nancy
Native American Portraits 1862-1918 - photographs from the collection of Kurt Koegler / Nancy Hathaway
San Francisco - Chronicle Books, c1990
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Hathaway, Robert M.
Ambiguous partnership - Britain and America - 1944-1947 / Robert M. Hathaway
New York - Columbia University Press, 1981
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