Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 2396 di 7048       

Horn, Gunnar
A Cavalcade of american writing / Gunnar Horn
Boston - Allyn and Bacon, 1964
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Horn, Stefan Ferdinand
Glossary of financial terms - in English/American, French, Spanish, German / by Stefan F. Horn
Amsterdam etc. - Elsevier, 1965
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Horn, Stephen
In sua difesa / Stephen Horn
Milano - Mondolibri, stampa 2000
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Horn, Stephen
In sua difesa / Stephen Horn ; traduzione di Annamaria Biavasco
(Milano) - Rizzoli, 2000
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Horn, Tom
Life of Tom Horn - A vindication - Together with his letters and statements by his friends / written by himself ; with an introduction by James D. Horan
New York - Jingle Bob - Crown, c1977
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Horn-Monval, Madeleine
5- 1- Theatre anglais ; 2- Theatre americain / par M. Horn-Monval
Paris - CNRS, 1963
Incluso in > Repertoire bibliographique des traductions et adaptations francaises du theatre etranger du 15. siecle a nos jours / par M. Horn-Monval ; preface de M. Julien Cain
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Horn-Monval, Madeleine
1.- Theatre des pays slaves et autres pays europeens. 2.- Theatre des pays d'Asie et d'Afrique ; annexe - addenda au theatre american / M. Horn-Monval
Paris - CNRS, 1967
Incluso in > Repertoire bibliographique des traductions et adaptations francaises du theatre etranger du 15. siecle a nos jours / Pref. de Julien Cain
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Horn-Monval, Madeleine
1.- Theatres des pays slaves et autres pays europeens. 2.- Theatres des pays d'Asie et d'Afrique ; annexe- Addenda au theatre americain / par M. Horn-Monval
Paris - CNRS, 1967
Incluso in > Repertoire bibliographique des traductions et adaptations francaises du theatre etranger du 15. siecle a nos jours / par M. Horn-Monval ; preface de M. Julien Cain
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Horna, Hernán
History of Latin America / Hernan Horna
Uppsala - Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2011
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Hornaday, William T.
The american natural history - a foundation of useful knowledge of the higher animals of North America / by William T. Hornaday ; illustrated by 225 original drawings by Beard, Rungius, Sawyer, and others, 151 photographs, chiefly by Sanborn, Keller, and Underwood
New York - Scribner
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Hornaday, William T.
Vol. 3.- Birds (concluded) / by William T. Hornaday
New York - Scribner, 1914
Incluso in > The american natural history - a foundation of useful knowledge of the higher animals of North America / by William T. Hornaday ; illustrated by 225 original drawings by Beard, Rungius, Sawyer, and...
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Hornaday, William T.
Vol. 1.- Mammals / by William T. Hornaday
New York - Scribner, 1914
Incluso in > The american natural history - a foundation of useful knowledge of the higher animals of North America / by William T. Hornaday ; illustrated by 225 original drawings by Beard, Rungius, Sawyer, and...
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Hornaday, William T.
Vol. 4.- Reptiles, amphibians and fishes / by William T. Hornaday
New York - Scribner, 1914
Incluso in > The american natural history - a foundation of useful knowledge of the higher animals of North America / by William T. Hornaday ; illustrated by 225 original drawings by Beard, Rungius, Sawyer, and...
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Hornbacher, Marya
Al centro dell'inverno - romanzo / Marya Hornbacher ; traduzione di Laura Pignatti
Milano - Corbaccio, (2006)
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Hornbein, Thomas F.
Everest, the West ridge / by Thomas F. Hornbein ; photographs from the American Mount Everest Expedition and by its leader Norman G. Dyhrenfurth ; introduction by William E. Siri ; edited by David Brower
San Francisco - Sierra Club, 1963
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