Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 6203 di 7048       

Taft, Philip
The structure and government of Labor Unions / by Philip Taft
Cambridge - Harvard university press, 1954
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Taft, Robert (1894-1955)
Photography and the American scene - a social history, 1839-1889 / Robert Taft
New York - Macmillan, 1938
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Taft, Robert (1894-1955)
Photography and the american scene - a social history, 1839-1889 / Robert Taft
New York - The Macmillan Company, 1942
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Taft, Robert A.
A foreign policy for Americans / Robert A. Taft
Garden City (N.Y.) - Doubleday, 1951
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Taft, Robert F.
Photography and the American scene - a social history, 1839-1889 / Robert Taft
, New York - Dover 1964
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Taft, William H.
American journalism history - an outline / by William H. Taft
Los Angeles - Lucas brothers, c1975
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Taft, William H.
American magazines for the 1980s / by William H. Taft
New York - Hastings house, c1982
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Taft, William H.
Encyclopedia of twentieth-century journalists / William H. Taft
New York - Garland, 1986
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Tafuri, Manfredo
Five architects N. Y. / di Manfredo Tafuri
Roma - Officina, 1981
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Tafuri, Manfredo
Five architects N.Y. / di Manfredo Tafuri
Roma - Officina, 1981
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Tafuri, Manfredo
Il grattacielo e la struttura della citta terziaria in America e in Europa - 1850-1975 / Manfredo Tafuri
Venezia - IUAV, 19..
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Taggart, Herbert F.
Real property leases and the federal income tax / by Herbert F. Taggart
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan, School of business administration, Bureau of business research, 1932
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Taggart, Robert (ingegnere americano)
Marine propulsion- principles & evolution
Houston (Tex.) - Gulf pub., c1969
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Taggert, John
Songs of degrees - essays on contemporary poetry and poetics / John Taggert ; with a foreword by Marjorie Perloff
Tuscaloosa - University of Alabama Press, c1994
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Tagliabue, Giovanna
Il problema dell'occupazione in America Latina. Riforma agraria o industrializzazione? / di Giovanna Tagliabue
Incluso in > Terzo mondo - rivista trimestrale di studi, ricerche e documentazione sui paesi afro-asiatici e latino-americani
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