Braun, Dieter - Ziem, Karlernst . Afghanistan- Sowjetische Machtpolitik-
Islamische Selbstbestimmung - Innerafghanische prozesse, regionale
Konfliktfolgen, internationale Verflechtung / Dieter Braun ; Karlernst Ziem. -
Baden-Baden - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1988. - 257 p. - app. bibl.
Brill, Heinz . Libyens Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik - Moamar el
Gaddafis Motive und Visionen / Heinz Brill. - Baden-Baden - Nomos
Verlagsgesellschaft, 1988. - 112p.
Silvestri, Armando . Dallo sputnik alla luna - 4 ottobre 1957 - 21
luglio 1969 / Armando Silvestri. - Roma - Ufficio storico dell'aeronautica
militare, 1971. - Tomo 1 - 318p.
Gray, Colin S. . American military space policy / Colin S. Gray. -
Lanham - University press of America, 1982. - 128p
Gervasi, Tom . The myth of soviet military supremacy / Tom Gervasi. -
New York - Harper & Row, 1986. - 548p.
Dowling, John - Harrell, Evans . Civil defense - a choice of disasters
/ John Dowling ; Evans Harrell. - New York - American institute of Physics, 1987.
- 231p.
Munnell, Alicia H. . The future of social security / Alicia H. Munnell.
- Washington - Brookings institution, 1977. - xiii,190 p. - ill. ; 24 cm.. - (Studies
in Social Economics)
Krasner, Stephen D. . Defending the national interest - raw materials
investments and U. S. foreign policy / Stephen D. Krasner. - Princeton -
Princeton university, c1978. - XIII, 404 p. ; 22 cm
Galbraith, John Kenneth . The new industrial state / John Kenneth
Galbraith.. - 2nd ed.. - London - Penguin Books, 1975. - 414 p.. - (Pelican Book)
Kolko, Gabriel . Ricchezza e potere in America - uno studio sulle
classi sociali e la distribuzione del reddito / Gabriel Kolko ; con una
presentazione di Francesco Forte. Traduzione di Massimo L. Salvadori. - Torino -
Einaudi, c1964. - 210 p. ; 22 cm
Osgood, Robert E. . Limited war revisited / Robert E. Osgood. - Boulder
- Westview, 1979. - xiii, 124 p. ; 23 cm. - (A Westview Special Study)
Loture, Robert - de . Washington nous voici - la France au secours de
l'indépendance américaine / Robert de Loture ; préface de Louis Madelin. - (Paris)
- Librairie Hachette, c1934. - 245 p. ; 21 cm
Ennis, Harry F. . Peacetime industrial preparedness for wartime
ammunition production / Harry F. Ennis.. - Washington, D.C. - National Defense
University, Research Directorate - for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt.
Print. Off., (1980). - vi, 122 p. - ill. ; 21 cm.
The Boston Study Group . The price of defense - a new strategy for
military spending / the Boston Study Group. - New York - Times Books, c1979. -
xiv, 359 p. - ill. ; 22 cm
Kissinger, Henry . Problems of national strategy; a book of readings /
edited by Henry A. Kissinger. - New York - Praeger, (1965). - ix, 477 p. ; 21 cm