Assessing NAFTA - a trinational analysis / edited by Steven Globerman and Michael Walker
Vancouver, B.C
Saggio Monografico
Assessment of regional eartquake hazards and risk along the Wasatch Front, Utah / Paula L. Gori and Walter W. Hays, editors
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Saggio Monografico
Assessments of the North American free trade agreement / edited by Ambler H. Moss, Jr
New Brunswick ; London, c 1993
Saggio Monografico
Asset securitization - international financial and legal perspectives / edited by Joseph Jude Norton and Paul R. Spellman
Oxford - Blackwell finance, 1991
Saggio Monografico
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Lancaster, Pa
Pubblicazione Periodica
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Detroit - Gale research, 1987-
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L' Associazione San Marino-America nel ventennale della sua costituzione 1978-1998 / a cura di Paolo Berardi
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Saggio Monografico
At the end of the american century - America?s role in the post cold war world / edited by Robert L. Hutchings
Washington - The Woodrow Wilson center press ; Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins university press, 1998
Saggio Monografico
At the president's side - the vice presidency in the twentieth century / edited by Timothy Walch
Columbia, etc.
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Atlante - le civilta indigene delle Americhe / introduzione di Aurelio Rigoli ; a cura di Annamaria Amitrano
(Genova) - Colombo, c1992
Saggio Monografico
Atlantic American societies - from Columbus through abolition, 1492-1888 / edited by Alan L. Karras and J. R. McNeill
London etc. - Routledge, 1992
Saggio Monografico
Atlantic relations - beyond the Reagan era / edited by Stephen Gill
Hemel Hempstead - Harvester Wheatsheaf ; New York - St. Martin's, 1989
Saggio Monografico
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St. Paul - West publishing co., 1939-
Pubblicazione Periodica
The Atlantic staple trade / edited by Susan Socolow
Aldershot ; Brookfield, 1996
Saggio Monografico
Atlas des Etats-Unis - le paradoxes de la puissance / sous la direction de Philippe Lemarchand
S.l. - Atlande ; Bruxelles - Complexe, c1997, stampa 1998
Saggio Monografico