Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Asia

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seguito Asia [pagina inizio voce]

Watts, William
The United States and Asia - changing attitudes and policies / William Watts
Lexington ; Toronto - Lexingtonbooks, D.C. Heath and Company, (1982)
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Waworuntu, Tony
To seek peace, justice and sustainable lifestyle - an interfaith cooperation in Asia / edited by Tony Waworuntu, Max Ediger
Hong Kong - Clear-Cut Publishing & Printing Co, 2003
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Weatherbee, Donald E.
International relations in Southeast Asia - the struggle for autonomy / Donald E. Weatherbee
Lanham (etc.) - Rowman & Littlefield, c2009
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Webb, Pamela A.
Hellenistic architectural sculpture - figural motifs in Western Anatolia and the Aegean Islands / Pamela A. Webb
Madison - the University of Wisconsin press, ©1996
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Webb, Sidney
The Webbs in Asia - the 1911-12 travel diary / introduced and edited by George Feaver
Basingstoke ; London - Macmillan, 1992
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Weber, Hans-Ruedi
Asia and the Ecumenical movement (1895-1961) - thèse présentée à la Faculté autonome de Théologie protestante de l'Université de Genève pour obtenir le grade de Docteur en théologie / par Hans-Ruedi Weber
London - SCM, 1966
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Weber, Otto - von
Die Kunst der Hethiter / mit einer Einleitung von Otto Weber
Berlin - Wasmuth, (1921)
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Webster, Anthony
Gentlemen capitalists - British imperialism in South East Asia, 1770-1890 / Anthony Webster
London ; New York - Tauris Academic Studies, ©1998
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Webster, Noah
An American dictionary of the English language - containing the whole vocabulary of the first edition in two quarto, the entire corrections and improvements of the second edition in two volumes royal octavo - to which is prefixed an introductory dissertation on the origine, history, and connection, of the languages of Western Asia and Europe, with an esplanation of the principles on which languages are formed / by Noah Webster ; revised and enlarged by Chancey A. Gooddrich
New York - Hurst and Company, (18..)
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Weder, Beatrice
Model, myth or miracle - reassessing the role of governments in the east asian experience / Beatrice Weder
Tokyo (etc.) - United Nations University Press, c1999
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Weede, Erich
Economic development, social order, and world politics - with special emphasis on war, freedom, the rise and decline of the west, and the future of east Asia / Erich Weede
Boulder, CO ; London - Lynne Rienner, 1996
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Weidenbaum, Murray
The bamboo network - how expatriate chinese entrepreneurs are creating a new economic superpower in Asia / Murray Weidenbaum, Samuel Hughes
New York etc. - Martin Kessler Books, c1996
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Weidert, Alfons
Componential analysis of Lushai phonology / Alphons Weidert
Amsterdam ; Benjamins, 1975
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Weightman, Barbara A.
Dragons and tigers - a geography of south, east and southeast Asia / Barbara A. Weightman
New York - Wiley, 2002
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Weihreter, Hans
Blumen des Paradieses - der Furstenschmuck Nordindiens / Hans Weihreter
Graz - Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt, ©1997
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