Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Astronomia

Pagina nr. 896 di 1067       

Pombo Somoza, C.
Navegacion astronomica / Pombo Somoza
Madrid - BIblioteca del aviador, 1951
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Pomerance, Leon
The Phaistos disc - an interpretation of astronomical symbols / by Leon Pomerance
Goteborg - Paul Astroms, 1976
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Pompea, Stephen M.
Great ideas for teaching astronomy / Stephen M. Pompea
Pacific Grove - Brooks/Cole, c2000
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Pongratz, Johann
Neueste allgemeine Postkarte durch alle europaeische Staaten - bey welcher so wohl die astronomischen Ortsbestimmungen, als auch die zuverlaessigsten Postbücher und die besten geographischen Hilfsmittel gehörig benützt worden sind / entworfen von Johann Pongratz ; gestochen von Hieron. Benedicti
Wien - T. Mollo und Comp., 1798

Pongratz, Johann
Neueste allgemeine Postkarte von Europa - in welcher sämtliche Postrouten aller europäischen Staaten nach den zuverlässigsten Postbüchern angezeigt sind mit fernerer Benüzung der besten astronomischen Ortsbestimmungen und der vorzüglichsten geographischen Hilfsmitteln / entworfen von Johann Pongraz
Publiée et se trouve à Vienne - chez Tranquillo Mollo, 1805

Pontax, Antoine
L' univers dévoilé - nouvelle synthèse astronomique
Athènes - l'auteur, 1949-1953
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Pontecoulant, Gustave - de
Traite elementaire de physique celeste, ou precis d'astronomie theorique et pratique / par G. de Pontecoulant
Paris - Carilian-Goeury
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Pontrandolfo, Michele
Stella in capo al mondo - me ne vado al Polo Nord / Michele Pontrandolfo, Andrea Valente ; illustrazioni di Andrea Valente
Trieste - Editoriale Scienza, 2008
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Poole, Reginald Stuart
Horæ Aegyptiacæ - or, The chronology of ancient Egypt discovered from astronomical and hieroglyphic records upon its monuments - including many dates found in coeval inscriptions from the period of the building of the great pyramid to the times of the Persians - and illustrations of the history of the first nineteen dynasties, shewing the order of their succession, from the monuments - with plates and numerous cuts / by Reginald Stuart Poole
London - John Murray, 1851
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Poor, Charles Lane
The solar system - a study of recent observations - with illustrations / by Charles Lane Poor professor of astronomy in Columbia university
London - John Murray, 1908
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Popmen, Titus - van (ca. 1550-1620)
Titi a Popma Phrysii In sphaeram, et prima astronomiae elementa, tabulae
Coloniae - ex officina typographica Theodori Graminaei, 1569
Testo Monografico

Poppi, Antonino
Astronomia e Bibbia nell'Anticopernicus catholicus di Giorgio Polacco (16 44) - "Galileus, vir magis hac abiuratione, quam sua eruditione laudandus et commendandus" / Antonino Poppi
, Padova - Società cooperativa tipografica,1993
Testo Monografico

Poppi, Francesco A. M.
L' astronomia a Bologna - dalla Repubblica Cispadana alla Grande Guerra / tesi di laurea di Francesco A.M. Poppi ; relatore Fabrizio Bònoli
, (2001 )
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Porro, Bernardina
Esercizi e complementi sulla prima parte del corso di geometria per la laurea in fisica ed astronomia - 1977-1978 / Porro Bernardina
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1978
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Porro, Francesco
L' astronomia / Francesco Porro
Milano - Libreria Battezzati successore editore, (1891 (Tip. Bortolotti di G. Prato)
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