Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Bibbia

Pagina nr. 1425 di 1927       

Hill, Craig C.
Hellenists and Hebrews - reappraising division within the earliest Church / Craig C. Hill
Minneapolis - Fortress, 1992
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Hill, Robert Charles
Breaking the bread of the word- principles of teaching scripture / Robert C. Hill
Roma - Pontificio istituto biblico, 1991
Testo Monografico

Hillel, Daniel
The Natural History of the Bible / Daniel Hillel
New York - Columbia University Press, 2006
Testo Monografico

Hillers, Delbert R.
Micah - a commentary on the book of the prophet Micah / by Delbert R. Hillers ; edited by Paul D. Hanson with Loren Fisher
Philadelphia - Fortress press, ©1984
Testo Monografico

Hillers, Delbert R.
Treaty-curses and the Old Testament prophets - a dissertation submitted to the Faculty of philosophy of the Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy / Delbert R. Hillers
Rome - Pontifical biblical institute, 1964
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Hillesheim, Ludwing
Meditationes in duos psalmos Dauidis 65. 138. Ludouico Hillessemio Andernaco autore
Coloniae - apud Maternum Cholinum, 1574
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Hillman, James (1926-2011)
Uno sguardo pagano sulla Bibbia - "Psicologia monoteistica o politeistica?" venticinque anni dopo / James Hillman.
Incluso in > Anima
Testo a stampa

Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat
Explorations in Bible lands during the 19. century / by H. V. Hilprecht ; with the co-operation of dr. Benzinger ... (ed altri)
Edinburgh - T. & T. Clark, 1903
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Himbaza, Innocent
Transmettre la Bible - une critique exégétique de la traduction de l'AT - le cas du Rwanda / Innocent Himbaza
Città del Vaticano - Urbaniana university press, 2001 (Roma - Città nuova)
Testo Monografico

Hinker, Wolfgang
Se la Bibbia avesse ragione ... / W. Hinker, K. Speidel
Bari - Paoline, 1972
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Hinker, Wolfgang
Se la Bibbia avesse ragione..
Bari - Edizioni paoline, 1972
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Hippolytus - Romanus (santo)
Le benedizioni di Giacobbe / Ippolito ; traduzione introduzione e note a cura di Manlio Simonetti
Roma - Città nuova, (1982)
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Hippolytus - Romanus (santo)
Commentaire sur Daniel / Hippolyte ; introduction de Gustave Bardy ; texte etabli et traduit par Maurice Lefevre
Paris - Editions du Cerf, 1947
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Hirsch, Emanuel
Das vierte Evangelium in seiner ursprünglichen Gestalt / verdeutscht und erklärt von Emanuel Hirsch
Tubingen - J. C. B. Mohr, 1936
Testo Monografico

Hirspeckius, Paulus
Ad illustrissimum principem ... Philippum ... Bauariae ducem- Psalmi decimi ex orthodoxis patribus, pro Victoria ecclesie enarratio, per M. Paulum Hirspeckium
Ingoldstadij - (A. Weissenhorn), 1540
Testo Monografico