Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Computer

Pagina nr. 135 di 1129       

Computer in gurrra - Funzioneranno I rischi e le potenzialita delle nuove tecnologie militari / a cura di David Bellini e Gary Chapman
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The computer in literary and linguistic studies - proceedings of the third international symposium / edited by Alan Jones and R. F. Churchhouse
Cardiff - The University of Wales Press, 1976
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Computer in medicina - primo censimento nazionale software per applicazioni mediche
Milano - Editoriale del Corriere della sera, ©1984
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The computer in optical research - methods and applications / edited by B. R. Frieden ; with contributions by R. Barakat ... ed altri
Berlin etc. - Springer-Verlag, 1980
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Computer in physics
Woodbury, NY - American Institute of physics
Pubblicazione Periodica

The computer in psychology / edited by Michael J. Apter, George Westby
London (etc.) - J. Wiley, c1973
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Computer in the instructional process - report of an international school / edited by- Karl L. Zinn, Mario Refice, Aldo Romano
Ann Arbor - Extend, 1973
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The computer in the school - tutor, tool, tutee / edited by Robert Taylor
New York and London - Teachers College Press, 1980
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2- Computer index
Detroit - American data processing, 1969
Incluso in > Computer yearbook and directory / editor Michael V. Sullivan
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The computer industry in Europe - an investigation of government policies
Roma - Inforav, 1978
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Computer information systems - analysis and technologies - 10th International conference, CISIM 2011, Kolkata, India, December 14-16, 2011 - proceedings
Berlin - Springer, 2011
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Il computer insegna - un software multiscopo per l'insegnamento individulizzato / Carlo Ricci ed altri
Trento - Erikson, 2000
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Unit 3- Computer integrated manufacture
(Birmingham) - The Open University, 1986
Incluso in > Block 1- Structure
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Computer integrated manufacturing
London etc. - Chapman & Hall, 1991-1992
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Computer integrated manufacturing - current status and challenges / edited by I. Burhan Turksen ; Co-editors- Kiyoji Asai, Gunduz Ulusoy
Berlin etc. - Springer-Verlag ; published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division, c1988
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