Voprosy psiholingvistiki i prepodavanie russkogo jazyka kak innostrannogo / pod redakciej A.A. Leont?eva i T.V. Rjabovoj
Moskava - Izd. Moskovskogo Universiteta
Saggio Monografico
Vorlesungen zur Einfuhrung in die sprachanalytische Philosophie / Ernst Tugendhat
Frankfurt am Main - Suhrkamp, 1979
Saggio Monografico
VRML / Ed Tittel ... ed altri
Milano - McGraw-Hill libri Italia, 1997
Saggio Monografico
Wirtschaftssprache - anglistische, germanistische, romanistische und slavistische Beitrage - gewidmet Peter Schifko zum 60. Geburtstag / (herausgegeben von) Franz Rainer, Martin Stegu ; unter Mitarbeit von Heinz Kiko
Frankfurt a.M., etc.
Saggio Monografico
Wittgenstein, empiricism, and language / John W. Cook
New York ; Oxford, 2000
Saggio Monografico
Women and language in transition / edited by Joyce Penfield
Albany - State University of New York Press, copyr. 1987
Saggio Monografico
Word order in discourse / edited by Pamela Downing, Michael Noonan
Amsterdam (etc) - John Benjamins, c 1995
Saggio Monografico
1- Word, language, grammar
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1997
Saggio Monografico
Words, languages and combinatorics - Kyoto, Japan, 28-31 August 1990 / editor Masami Ito
Singapore (etc.) - World scientific, c1992
Saggio Monografico
Words, proofs, and diagrams / edited by Dave Barker-Plummer ... Aed altriA
Stanford (California) - CSLI, c2002
Saggio Monografico
Working with language - a multidisciplinary consideration of language use in work contexts / edited by Hywel Coleman
Berlin ; New York - Mouton De Gruyter, 1989
Saggio Monografico
Working with Speech - Perspectives on research into the Lancaster/IBM Spoken English Corpus / edited by Gerry Knowles, Anne Wichmann, Peter Alderson
London ; New York, 1996
Saggio Monografico
The writing scholar - studies in academic discourse / edited by Walter Nash
Newbury Park, etc. - Sage, 1990
Saggio Monografico
Writing vs speaking - language, text, discourse, communication - Proceedings of the Conference held at the Czech language institute of the Academy of sciences of the Czech Republic - Prague, October 14-16, 1992 / Svetla Cmejrkova, Frantisek Danes, Eva Havlova (eds.)
Tubingen - Narr, c1994
Saggio Monografico
XML - corso di programmazione / Harvey M. Deitel ... ed altri
Milano - Apogeo, 2002
Saggio Monografico