Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Ecologia

Pagina nr. 1065 di 1133       

Tessier, Robert
Deplacements du sacre dans la societe moderne - culture, politique, economie, ecologie / Robert Tessier
Quebec - Bellarmin, 1994
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Teyssèdre, Anne (ecologa e etologa)
La communication animale sur la scène de l'évolution / Anne Teyssèdre
Paris - Nathan, 1993
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Thalen, Derk Catharinus Peter
Ecology and utilization of desert shrub rangelands in Iraq / by D. C. P. Thalen
The Hague - W. Junk, 1979
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Thalmann, Philippe
Impôts écologiques - l'exemple des taxes CO2 / Philippe Thalmann
Lausanne - Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, (1997)
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Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments (1. ; 1992 ; New Orleans)
Needs and solutions for pollution monitoring, control, and abatement - Proceedings of the first thematic conference on remote sensing for marine and coastal environments - New Orleans, Louisiana, Usa, 15-17 June 1992 / Sponsored by the Marine Spill Response Corporation, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
Ann Arbor - Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, c1992
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Theodoropoulos, David I.
Invasion biology - critique of a pseudoscience / David Theodoropoulos
Blythe, Ca. - Avvar books
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Theokritoff, Elizabeth
Abitare la terra - una visione cristiana dell'ecologia / Elizabeth Theokritoff ; traduzione dall'inglese a cura della Comunità di Bose
Magnano (Bi) - Qiqajon-Comunità di Bose, 2012
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Theokritoff, Elizabeth
Living in God’s creation - Orthodox perspectives on ecology / Elizabeth Theokritoff
Crestwood, N.Y. - St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2009
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Thibodeau, Francis Roy
The preservation of genetic diversity in America - the adequacy of present ecological reserves and a biological foundation for further action - a dissertation / submitted by Francis Roy Thibodeau
Ann Arbor - UMI, 1986
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Thiollay, Jean-Marc
L' avifaune de la région de Lamto (Moyenne Côte-d'Ivoire) / par Jean-Marc Thiollay
Incluso in > Annales de l'Universite d'Abidjan. Serie E, Ecologie
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Thomae, Hans
The adolescent and his environment - contributions to an ecology of teen-age behavior / volume editor- H. Thomae and T. Endo
Basel (etc) - S. Karger, 1974
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Thomas, Bernard (1936-2012)
Lettre ouverte aux écolos qui nous pompent l'air / Bernard Thomas
Paris - Albin Michel, 1992
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Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall
La vita segreta dei cani / Elizabeth Marshall Thomas ; traduzione di Lidia Perria ; diciannove illustrazioni di Jared T. Williams
Milano - GJA, (2007)
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Thomas, Frederic C.
To the mouths of the Ganges - an ecological and cultural journey / Frederic C. Thomas
Norwalk - EastBridge, c2004
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Thomas, Greg M.
Art and ecology in nineteenth-century France - the landscapes of Theodore Rousseau / Greg M. Thomas
Princeton, NJ ; Chichester - Princeton University Press, 2000
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