(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore)) Argomento: Economia |
Pagina nr. 1542 di 5950 |
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Geneve - s.n. , 1927 Testo Monografico Conference economique internationale de genes - Deuxieme seance pleniere. Compte-rendu provisoire stenographique, le 3 Mai 1922 Genova - Stab. Tip. Fratelli Pagano, 1922 Testo Monografico Conference intergouvernementale sur l'utilisation du personnel hautement qualifie - Venise, 25-27 octobre 1971 / Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques, Comite de l'education Paris - Ocde, 1971 Testo Monografico Conference internationale sur le traitement des etrangers - Geneve, 5 novembre 1929 - *documents preparatoire / projet de convention eleabore par le Comite economique de la Societe des nations pour servir de base de discussion a la conference internationale (...) Geneve - Societe des nations, 1 929 Testo Monografico Conference internationale sur les statistique economiques - document preparatoires / Societe des nations Geneve - Societe des nations, 1928 Testo Monografico Conference monetaire et economique - commission preparatoire des experts - note sur les travaux du sous comite economique (S.l - s.n., 1932 Testo Monografico Conference of european statisticians - twenty-first plenary session (25-29 June 1973) - report of the twenty-first plenary session / Statistical commission and economic commission for Europe Geneve - United Nations, 1973 Testo Monografico Conference of European Statisticians recommendations for the 2010 censuses of population and housing / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ; prepared in cooperation with the Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT) New York and Geneva - United Nations, 2006 Testo Monografico Conference of Ministers of education and those responsible for economic planning in African member states - Development of education in Africa- statistical review - Harare, 28 June-3 July 1982 / Organized by Unesco with the co-operation of ECA and OAU Paris - Unesco, 1982 Testo Monografico Conference of the Presidents of the Chambers of commerce and economy of the Adriatic - Trieste, October 5-6, 1990 - proceedings Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n., 1994 (Trieste - Stella) Testo Monografico Conference on business cycles / held under the auspices of Universities national bureau committee for economic research New York - National bureau of economic research, 1951 Testo Monografico Conference on fishery management - and multi-level decisional systems- the mediterranean case - XX anniversary, Salerno 18-19 october 2002 Salerno - IREPA, c2003 Testo Monografico Conference on mergers & acquisitions - the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the Common Market / edited by Johan D. Kleyn Deventer - Kluwer, c1991 Testo Monografico Conference on Research in business finance / held under the auspices of Universities national bureau committee for economic research New York - National bureau of economic research, 1952 Testo Monografico Conference on the economic aspects of international affairs / Chicago council on foreign relations Chicago - (s.n. Pubblicazione Periodica |